Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Over drinks at the club, Chance talks about the tension at work. Summer complains about Harrison getting closer to Claire; she doesn’t know how much more she can take.

You look gorgeous for your big date with Dad, Claire jumps up to fuss with her Mom’s hair. Vikki hopes she’s not overdressed – we might just be going for burgers. When Cole arrives in a suit, Claire grins ear to ear.

When Mariah arrives for date night, Tessa’s sorry to report that one of her waitstaff called in sick. Not again, Mariah grumbles briefly before deciding she’s fine sipping champagne while watching her hot wife work.

This isn’t a social call, Audra declines a drink upon entering Tucker’s suite. You’re gonna need it, he pours. Tell me everything – Ashley said you’d ‘fill me in’ Audra reminds.

Doesn’t Dad look handsome? Claire compliments him before her Mom gets a chance to. The flower Cole’s brought is for Claire. This dinner IS a big deal – she wants her parents to get reacquainted – and don’t spend the evening talking about me.

Summer feels like she’s on the outside looking in. She tells Chance that she and Kyle have no ‘custody boundaries’ – maybe it’s time to change that.

Vikki and Cole tease – can we spend the whole evening not talking about our brilliant daughter? As soon as she sends them off, Claire calls Tessa to request a quiet table and a bottle of champagne. Mariah tells Tessa that she’s able to relate to Claire not knowing her parents til her 20’s.

Summer can’t risk losing Harrison. What if Claire replaces me the way I replaced Harrison’s bio Mom? You’ll always be his Mom, Chance suggests she talk to Kyle.

Stopping by the tackhouse with the wallet Claire left at the house, Kyle claims that Harrison insisted he deliver it. Claire didn’t even notice it was missing – you could have just texted me. She was just about to start reading her murder-mystery book. Care for a cup of tea?

Champagne, courtesy of your daughter, Tessa announces when Cole and Vikki arrive at Society. Aside, Mariah has an idea – but only if Tessa says ‘yes’.

Drinking tea, Claire tells Kyle that she’s always able to solve the mystery in her murder-mystery books. Jordan talked about true crime a lot and had her analyze them for mistakes.