Monday, June 10th, 2024

Lauren admits that it’s been challenging balancing Fenmore’s and Newman Media. Nikki expects to be back to work in the news few months – but doesn’t expect Lauren to stay on.

Vikki thinks Mom should continue to run Newman and thought Adam would want to focus on Connor. It’ll be best for everyone if she declines Victor’s request that she end her leave of absence. After a grumpy Adam leaves too, Victor reiterates how proud he is. Nick questions Adam’s morals but they’ve put their issues aside for the good of the company.

Nikki tells Lauren that Vikki’s the perfect person to take over her responsibilities at Newman Media.

Victor doesn’t want Nikki to fall off the wagon – so asks Nick to nudge his sister towards stepping in at Newman Media. Nick worries about how Adam will react if he feels he’s being sidelined.

At home, Sally makes a big deal about some ‘pillows’ she’s bought. Adam whines about Victor floating the idea of him running Newman Media again; he doesn’t want to be used as a pawn in his Dad’s power-play.

Mike thinks Cole should get to know the man who employees his daughter. As for Diane, she’s good company – he’ll grant Victor’s request by spending time with a good friend. Victor may ask for something more insidious in the future, Mike will try to suss out Victor’s motives. After he leaves to meet Lauren, Cole sends Vikki a text.

Victor wants Vikki back at the mothership, Adam informs Sally. Of course his Dad’s not just trying to find the best fit for everyone. Sally understands why he’s suspicious. Adam’s tired of being jerked around by his Dad; treated like a tool to be used.

When Nikki comes home, she’s pleased to hear that Victor wants Nikki to return to work – she wants Vikki to replace Lauren. Nick thinks that a much more viable plan. More viable than what? Nikki’s puzzled.

Joining Cole at the club’s bar, Vikki’s happy for the distraction. She gets the sense her Dad’s up to something. Cole wonders if they can have dinner together – no, not with Claire – just the two of us – like a date.

Meeting Lauren on the CL’s patio, Mike confides that he’s in a pickle. How big? Massive. Lauren doesn’t want him involved in any trouble. Too late – the dormant war between Victor and Jack’s about to reignite.

Nikki thinks putting Adam back in charge at Newman Media is a terrible idea – he’ll cause chaos and never want to leave! She suspects this has something to do with her going to Jack for help – are you punishing me for that???