Monday, June 10th, 2024

Picking at their salads at Society, Lauren and Nikki discuss her sobriety and the drastic measures Jack took to get her that way. He can’t be her sponsor anymore. What changed his mind? Diane.

At CL’s, Adam updates Nick that Connor punched himself in the face. They then get good news – we did it! Our deal’s gone through. Both have been summoned to the ranch by Victor; neither know why.

Victor reminds Mike and Cole that THEY asked for the meeting; THEY asked how they could make up for their betrayal. Vikki appears to ask what she’s walked in on.

Victor thanks Vikki for coming – we were just discussing Jordan’s security protocol, in prison. After Mike and Cole are dismissed, Nick and Adam arrive. Victor wants to see all his children together. What bomb are you about to drop? Adam’s suspicious.

Lauren doesn’t blame Diane or Victor for opposing Jack being Nikki’s sponsor. Times like this, Nikki misses Kay and Neil – she’ll have to find another sponsor. Lauren wonders what happens to Newman Media while Nikki’s focusing on her sobriety.

Victor wants to discuss NE business. First, has Vikki thought about returning to work?

As Adam and Nick hover, Vikki balks at the idea of going back to work. Her focus is Claire; Johnny and Katie will be home soon. She doesn’t want to ‘split her focus’. While Nick wonders what role Victor has in mind for Vikki, Adam’s sure he’ll be shoved aside – as usual.

Having drinks at the club, Mike and Cole toast to surviving Victor’s wrath. ‘I’ll be damned’. Mike’s sure this has to do with Jack – rumour has it there’s tension between Kyle and Diane. Victor wants revenge against Jack; Mike and Cole have no choice but to go along.

Victor wants to put Adam back in charge of Newman Media (a plan he clearly hasn’t run by Nikki) Adam still feels like he’s being sidelined.

Adam defends his work, then his partnership with Nick. We’ve sealed a deal Newman wasn’t able to close for years (which Vikki sees as a dig) Victor’s proud of his sons – and Adam’s work at Newman. He’s always done what’s best for the family – is that clear!?