Friday, June 7th, 2024

Be reasonable, Mike pleads. Victor plays hard to get – damn right they won’t betray him again. Mike grovels on his and Cole’s behalf. Victor will give them a chance to prove their loyalty. How?

Audra flashes back to her argument with Tucker on the elevator; who’d insisted that he loves her. If you were a decent ex, you’d let me have Glacade, she’d huffed. Still on the patio, Audra reads Tucker’s text – he has a proposal for her.

After the assistant excuses herself, Ashley thanks Tucker for showing up when he did. He’s humble and not surprised to hear that she has DID. You knew before anyone, she’s grateful.

Getting a call, Audra’s disappointed that Felipe can’t meet her again (or speak to her) Thank you, she hangs up to fume – damn you Tucker.

His arm still in a sling, Alan drops by to ask Traci if Ashley’s still asleep. No, she went to thank Tucker (very much herself) No, he sees ho need for Traci to go check on her sister. He did something decent last night. Traci expresses how much she appreciates Alan and why.

It’s over now, Tucker wants Ashley to be happy and healthy again. She does too and explains how Martin duped her into spilling her guts. She conflated him and Tucker; blaming him for what Martin did to her. It wasn’t you, she assures Tucker. He’s sorry she went through all that. Last night must have been hell, he’s sympathetic. Brushing back tears, Ashley’s off. They wish one another the best. As Ashley opens the door to leave, she finds Audra standing there.

What a surprise, Audra’s visibly annoyed. Ashley wishes them the best from the bottom of her heart. Bye. No, Audra doesn’t want to come in anymore.

Alan and Traci confide their feelings to one another. She can’t stop trembling. They share a weepy, grateful hug.

Victor has different assignments for the traitors; Mike’s is to rekindle his friendship with Diane Abbott.

Ashley returns from doing what she had to do. Alan’s made the necessary arrangements – the staff will treat you with kindness and compassion. Things went well with Tucker – Ashley’s ready to move on with her life.

Tucker chases Audra down. She’s not angry and she’s bored. Why did you let Ashley believe we’re still together? She’s done with you. I have normal emotions, you don’t. Tucker’s sure she’s curious about his proposal. Let me explain. 5 minutes could change everything.

Victor wants Cole to befriend Kyle – get to know him better. He wants to protect Claire and Harrison. Mike guesses Victor’s goal has to do with Jack – what are you up to now?