Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Chelsea won’t let Adam give up on Connor – you’ll get to give him this gift. His favourite cookies will be stale and moldy by the time we get to see him, Adam feels helpless. Chelsea needs him to be her rock – I can’t do this by myself, she fights tears. They’re sharing a weepy hug when Sally comes through the door with a box.

Maime continues to butt heads with Devon – think about selling your shares in the company, he says as he heads back to the office. Is Nate coming? Maime asks him to stay and after Devon leaves, says this family must work together – it’s the most important thing in the world.

Hey, Adam takes the box from Sally. Chelsea congratulates her on moving in. Why are you back so soon? Sally wonders. Chelsea will let Adam fill her in. Don’t lose confidence, she instructs Adam on her way out. That leaves Sally to ask what happened with Connor – why do you still have his gift?

Lily wishes Jill trusted her enough to tell her that she’s ill. Billy hopes she can find it in her heart to embrace this idea and convince the board (and Devon) Lily will think about it. Asked not to tell anyone, Lily can’t see Devon agreeing without knowing the situation. When Devon comes into the office, Lily tells Billy that he can count on her discretion. Wanna tell me what that was about? Devon asks as soon as Billy leaves.

Thank God you’re here, Chelsea and Billy are surprised to run into each other at CL’s. She didn’t get to see Connor.

Adam tells Sally that the trip was cancelled because Connor’s OCD flared up and told him that he doesn’t deserve to be happy. He punched himself in the face. They could see the bruise on videochat. How could he do that to himself? Sally gives him a supportive hug.

Billy’s sorry – he can only imagine how Chelsea feels. It’s a good thing that he called you though. Yes, and the doctor said that Connor calling for a nurse is a good sign. In tears, Chelsea relays how Adam’s handling things. He’s back to being Adam, Billy quips. That’s not fair, Chelsea gets an instant apology.

Nate tells Maime that everything that’s happened at CW has shaken the family to the core – we both played a part in that. You have to let go of your animosity towards Jill. It takes away from your claim of wanting to unite the family – where things go from here is up to you.

Sally agrees with what Chelsea said – Adam must stay strong. In tears, he worries that things are getting worse. Connor stopped himself and asked for help – but he has no idea when they’ll get to see him. He punched himself in the face at the thought of us visiting him – how can I live with that? Adam’s devastated.

Devon wonders what Lily needs to be discreet about? No, she didn’t mention de-merging the companies. Devon’s hesitant now because Maime’s back in town – she apologized and promised to let us run the company. It’ll be one big I told you so. Devon’s troubled that Lily won’t share what she and Billy were discussing.

Billy confides that his Mom’s sick – her cardiac issues are back. That’s why she gave me the reins at CW. She’s undergoing treatment in London. He feels bad for betraying his Mom’s confidence – again. Chelsea’s surprised he told Lily. She’s an ally – Billy needs her to convince Devon and the board to add Abbott to the name. Chelsea doesn’t think it wise to trust Lily not to tell Devon. The last thing Jill needs is to feel that she can’t trust her own family.

Devon tells Lily that he gave Maime an ultimatum – let us buy you out. He doubts she can ‘stay in her lane’. Nate arrives to agree – Maime doesn’t want peace – she’s fired up and won’t let it go anytime soon.

Billy believes Lily respects Jill enough not to share the news of her health. Yes, she’s onboard with adding her name to CW but has other things on her mind. It seems to Chelsea that preserving Jill’s legacy means more to Billy than his Mom. No, Chelsea’s not against Billy – she’s on his side – just challenging him. Asked for her advice, Chelsea thinks Billy should focus more on his Mother than CW.

Sally encourages Adam to let his anger out. Chelsea can take care of her own feelings. You have to let it out – that’s what I’m here for. Adam doesn’t know how he’d get through this without her ~kiss~