Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Joining Mariah and Tessa at Society, Kyle updates them on how well Harrison’s doing – and here’s a photo as proof. Claire took the photo – she’s his new best friend – and nanny. She’s what!? Mariah blurts out.

Back in the privacy of Ashley’s apartment, Alan tells her and Traci that his twin brother, Martin, is a sociopath.

Still in the park, Summer shares her feelings with Chance. No, Claire hasn’t given her a reason to worry about Harrison – she was perfect. But – she was also a perfect assistant to Nikki until she tried to kill everyone.

You’re a great Dad, Vikki praises Cole (who leaves when a text from Victor summons him to the main house – now)

A twin brother who’s a sociopath isn’t shocking to Traci or Ashley (who was married to someone in that situation) Alan describes Martin’s history – he was a different man when off his meds. That’s why Alan became a psychologist. They had a falling out years ago, when they lived together. Alan hired Martin to transcribe his notes – some of the sessions dealt with severe trauma. Martin went off his meds and became violent.

Summer admits that she’s jealous of how excited Harrison is around the new and shiny Claire. Kyle seems to be an admirer too. Chance wonders if he should be worried that Summer’s also jealous of Kyle’s reaction to Claire.

When Kyle goes on and on about Claire, Mariah remarks that Harrison isn’t the only one who feels that Claire’s special.

Kyle’s supportive and fun, Claire gushes to her Mom. Knowing him to be a ‘complex guy’, Vikki claims she’s not worried (but clearly is)

Martin attacked Alan – then ran off. Unable to find him, Alan eventually let it go. Sometimes he feels that he failed his brother. Martin must be keeping track of my connections. He’s keeping tack of ME, Ashley corrects.

Traci asks why Alan thinks Martin’s keeping track of his connections. Alan stupidly left his phone behind when he went to Florence (the week Ashley was in Paris) Martin pretended to be me. The mystery Alan vows to solve is what caused Ashley’s DID.

Getting back to work, Tessa gives Mariah a look that Kyle agrees was hard to miss. Mariah denies she’s judging Kyle – Claire deserves a second chance – but she’s with Summer on this and wouldn’t hire Claire as Aria’s nanny. Kyle defends Claire – her strength and honesty is why he trusts her with Harrison. Mariah has to wonder if all this admiration for Claire means something else is going on.

Back at the tackhouse, Vikki and Claire are both OK with probing questions. Somehow, Claire feels like she’s known her Mom all her life. She also suspects her Dad came over to see her Mom (not her)

At the ranch, Cole updates Victor that Claire did well on her first day on the job – but that’s not why I’ve been summoned, he correctly guesses. Victor wants to discuss Cole’s betrayal – or did you think I’d forgotten?

Cole didn’t betray Victor – he wanted to repay his kindness by protecting him. He wasn’t going to free Jordan, he was going to get her to prison. Mike and I were trying to help. Sorry to hear that Victor fired Mike, Cole says – you can’t fire me. No, but Victor can tell him to stay the hell away from his daughter!

Your father was here for you, Vikki explains that Cole worried how the news about Jordan would affect her. Claire feels strong – Jordan’s the past – she’s excited about her future.

Kyle’s frustrated that Mariah thinks he’s ‘crushing on the nanny’ – his son was just kidnapped, he’s trying to co-parent with Summer and working with his Mother is impossible. He hired Claire because Harrison feels safe with her. Mariah sincerely hopes things work out with Claire. They will, Kyle’s sure – unless Summer changes her mind.

No, there’s no reason for Chance to worry about Summer and Kyle – it’s not that kind of jealousy. The other day, the three of them were so excited about the ferris wheel – Harrison wanted to go with Claire, not me, Summer pouts.

Alan believes something traumatic might have happened between Ashley and Martin. Traci points out that if Alan finds out what happened, it will help Ashley and lead him back to his brother.