Thursday, May 30th, 2024

Briefly discussing their marriage, Victor thinks that Jack’s weak – you’re a viper, he tells Diane. You let Jack de-fang you. Your son’s doing the same. I used to admire you – now I pity you, he walks away.

Victor moseys over to Mike at the bar. You betrayed me – you’re fired, he leaves Mike to join Diane – I’m out of a job – buy me a drink?

Sally approaches Summer in the park. Their chat about Connor and Adam, Summer praises Sally for being mature and perceptive. Chelsea pitched you stepping in for her while she’s away. It’s hard to imagine us working together but it warrants a discussion, Summer’s decided.

Diane and Mike toast – here’s to being schooled by Victor. Bludgeoned with a hammer is more like it, Mike complains – he disobeyed orders. It’s not the first time or last he’s been fired by Victor. Diane hates that he gets to her. Mike guesses he did that Victor thing – said something disparaging that rings true. Victor says Jack put Nikki at risk (which Diane agrees with)

When Victor drops by the Abbott house, Harrison and Claire leave him to tell Kyle that his team found Jordan – she’s in a maximum security prison. He’ll make sure nothing happens to Harrison. Summer will be freaked out. Kyle will be the one to tell her. How do you like working at Jabot? Victor stirs the pot – Under both your parents – must be hard taking orders from your Mom. You should be in that position.

Telling Mike the whole story, Diane doesn’t get why Jack would gamble with his addiction and his life. Mike reminds that Jack and Nikki go way back – it’s understandable that he’d go to such extremes for her. That doesn’t sit well with Victor. Or you by the looks of it. Diane told Jack she’d leave him if he became Nikki’s sponsor again. Would you have walked away from the marriage? Be prepared – Jack might resent you for having to make that choice. They have a profound relationship. Nikki’s his friend, Diane reminds – I’m his wife. His love for me should be more than his concern for her.

We have a complicated history when it comes to Marchetti, Summer opines. Yes, Sally did work with Tara to blackmail Summer into leaving town – but it did lead to you running Marchetti. It’s not easy for Summer to trust Sally. And – you chose Adam over my Dad. Sally won’t apologize for her personal life. Summer’s grateful for the way things turned out – marrying Kyle in Italy – Harrison – Marchetti – this company is important to her. Summer wants her employees to flourish. It seems both women have changed for the better. The job’s yours.

Victor doesn’t blame Kyle for having visions of taking over the company. You’re the closest to John – don’t underestimate yourself. Have a nice day.

Claire comes down to say that Harrison’s worn out. Diane arrives to ask why Victor was there. To tell me they found Jordan – she’s in custody. Yes, Victor already told Claire – he’s sure we don’t have to worry about her. No, Diane hasn’t been to the office – she had outside meetings. With who? Kyle asks. Oh – there it comes again – judgement – are you looking for new ways to disparage my work? Diane scowls.

Sally, as Marchetti’s interim creative director, doesn’t want to bother Chelsea with any questions. She’ll come by the office whenever it’s a good time for Summer. Sending a text, she suggests they get to work right now.

Nikki comes home to greet Victor with a kiss – her session went well. Have you thought about a new sponsor? Nikki asked Jack but he turned her down. It’s been too taxing for him – and Diane. Nikki will continue to rely on Jack. Victor doesn’t want her anywhere near that guy!

After Claire escapes to check on Harrison, Kyle and Diane argue. Enter Jack – what’s going on? Yes, he talked to Nikki – he’s no longer her sponsor. Now, what did I walk in on? Nothing – everything’s fine, Kyle says with attitude – then goes upstairs.

Next Week: Mariah asks Kyle if something’s going on between him and Claire ….Audra – this has nothing to do with vengeance – that’s your game, and your weakness. Tucker asks – What do you want? Audra wants Glacade – I want it all …. Ashley’s in distress – am I creating some kind of psychosis? Am I delusional? What’s happening? It happened exactly as you say, Alan tells her – but it didn’t happen with me – I believe you spent the evening with my brother.