Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

Back at the Abbott house, Alan schools Traci and Jack on DID; Ashley will need therapy in a controlled setting. Hopefully she agree to inpatient treatment. Yes, there’s hope. First we have to find her. Oh look – here she is with Tucker. what are you doing with my sister?! Jack snarls.

I’m fine, Ashley claims. She’s not fine, Tucker tattles that she fainted. He’s glad Alan’s there – she didn’t remember asking him to the jazz lounge to ask that they get back together. When Jack accuses him of playing hero and insinuating himself, Tucker’s the voice of reason – let’s not do this now. He asks Ashley to be honest with herself and her family.

Mike feels stupid for believing Victor – how did you find out? Cole confronted Victor, then following him – to a prison cell in an abandoned wine cellar. Jordan begged him to get her out. Hell no, of course he didn’t. Cole understands why Victor’s doing it and doesn’t want him in trouble – but Jordan belongs in a real prison.

Jordan denies that anyone came down. If you won’t put me in a proper prison, bring me a vial of poison. Having no hope is the worst punishment! If she eats the brussel sprouts off the floor, Victor will bring her another bottle of vodka. Victor!!! she’s left to shout.

Glad to be safe, Vikki and Claire are surprised when Nikki shows up at the tackhouse. She didn’t break out a couple of weeks early – she was doing so well she was released. Nikki’s now free of alcohol and Jordan. All three feel safe. Nikki hasn’t seen Victor yet – the staff don’t know where he is.

Cole and Mike brainstorm. They must get Jordan out of that cell and into prison without getting Victor in trouble. No one will believe her; she didn’t even think I was real, Cole says. They decide it’s up to them to do the dirty work without Victor knowing.

Seeing Nikki’s suitcase and purse, Victor calls out to her – are you home??

Ashley assumes Tucker’s telling the truth but doesn’t remember anything else – she’s afraid to ask what day it is. When Tucker points out that she’s herself, Alan asks to speak to her alone. In tears, she thanks Tucker (who leaves her in the capable hands of her doctor and siblings)

Ashley’s sorry she worried Traci and Jack. When they leave her with Alan, Ashley shouts at the voice in her head. Alan knows she wasn’t shouting at him.

On the front porch, Jack and Traci are optimistic but disagree on whether Tucker’s to blame.

At the club’s bar, a troubled Tucker flashes back to Ashley threatening him – then wanting him back ~kiss~

Vikki doesn’t know where her father is – he’s been going for a lot of long walks. Claire would love Nikki to give her some horseback riding lessons. We have nothing be afraid of, the three ladies again reiterate.

Victor will explode when he finds out they went behind his back – but Cole and Mike don’t see another choice. They don’t want anyone else to get hurt, including Victor. All we have to do is get Jordan into prison and keep Victor out. Cole has an idea.

When Victor comes knocking at the tackhouse, Nikki surprises him ~hug~ She’s proud to say she’s been released to receive outpatient care. Now that we’re free of Jordan, nothing will threaten her sobriety.

Jordan vows to find a way out – and when she does, she’s coming after Victor and his whole damn family.

Tucker’s still at the bar when he gets a call from Jean Jacques. What? Am I coming to the meetings this week with Audra? She’s in Paris!?!

Traci and Jack desperately want Ashley to get better but worry how she’ll cope with everything. Being treated in a facility will bring back memories of Fairview. The Ashley sitting in there right now is our sister, Traci’s full of hope.

Inside, Alan tells Ashley that they’re dealing with several personas – DID – multiple, distinct personalities. He thinks she may have suffered trauma in Paris and suggests she come back there with him – together we can find out the truth.

My Thoughts: Could it be possible that the trauma Ashley suffered was at the hands of Alan? Perhaps the good doctor isn’t so good after all. If so and Tucker goes to Paris to see what Audra’s up to, he’ll no doubt be the one to rescue Ashley. Will Abby ever be told the full extent of her Mom’s mental state? Does Dom even know he has a grandmother? … And if I’m making predictions, Cole’s plan might be to pretend he’s breaking Jordan out to turn her over to the authorities. Once in his and Mike’s custody, Jordan will of course escape. So much for Nikki’s safety and sobriety. How does Cole know that Jordan’s imagining the spiders and rats? The cell is dark and in an abandoned wine cellar after all (who abandons a wine cellar complete with vintage wine? Clearly, Victor didn’t remove all alcohol from the ranch)… Being such a brilliant attorney, surely Mike knows that Jordan can’t just be put in prison. They’re missing one crucial aspect – a trial and conviction.