Monday, May 20th, 2024

In the jazz lounge, Tucker’s just not in the mood. Let’s cut this short; go home. Wanting to go someplace Ashley suggests they take a walk. She attempts to discuss things with Audra falling apart. The lounge doesn’t open for hours so we’ll have privacy. Oh no, are you going to kills Tucker right now? the kid inside her is alarmed.

Swiping a bottle of wine from behind the bar, Ashley disagrees that it’s too early for a drink and takes the first gulp to prove it’s not poison (as Tucker suggests) Poor baby, Audra really did a number on you. Inside, Belle warns ‘Ms Abbott’ to ‘think real hard’ about this. Ashley takes the first gulp to prove it’s OK. Pretty soon you’ll be feeling no pain.

In the park, Nate understates that Tucker can be a ‘handful’. You let him think we spent the night together. Nate makes her feel like a respected equal. She knows Tucker’s playbook so can stay ahead of him.

Your OCD is telling you lies, Adam’s sorry he wasn’t a good father. Chelsea swears on her life that there’s nothing Connor can say to make them stop loving him. She and Adam are further upset when he abruptly ends the chat.

Disappearing into a secret door hidden within the wood paneling, Victor notes that Jordan hasn’t eaten yesterdays brussel spreouts. You’re drinking at this hour? he scolds as he empties the bowl through the bars.

Adam calls the facility to ask that they keep an eye on Connor then tells Chelsea that he’s getting worse, not better -. maybe this isn’t the right place for him. When he suggests Chelsea give Billy a call, it turns out that both are trying not to burden their partners.

When Ashley reads two brief texts from a worried Traci and Alan, Tucker asks if it’s her friend. No, he gave her a ‘very good clean bill of health’ and went back to Europe.

In the park, Audra whines about Tucker and when Nate asks about her future/options, wonders if he’s offering her old job at CW.

Victor torments Jordan with the veggies’wonderful’ smelling sprouts. Her apology falling on deaf ears, she shouts at her captor as he leaves with the domed tray.

Flipping through a photo album, Chelsea’s brought to tears as she leans into Adam for a supportive hug.

Nate doubts Audra could get her old job back at CW. She understands that she’s too toxic to rehire. It might finally be time to say goodbye to Tucker for good.

Of course Alan wanted more than friendship, Ashley asks Tucker how that makes him feel. She believes in the dream they had and wants it back.

Cole watches Victor comes back through his secret door with his domed-tray.

Cole finds and enters Victor’s secret door.

Wondering why Nate’s so good to her, Audra remembers trying to bring out his ‘bad side. Turns out she wanted the good side all along.

Tucker doesn’t know where Ashley’s going with this but doesn’t want to come with her. She knows he still loves her. Forget about that little girl – you need a woman. I’m your perfect partner. Come with me – let me show you how much I love you. I know you want that too.

Coming downstairs, Cole’s astonished to find Victor’s cell – and even more stunned to see his Aunt Jordan passed out on her bunk.

My Thoughts; Wow. Just wow. Victor’s secret door is not only unlocked, but it can be easily opened by gently leaning a shoulder into it. Do the cleaning staff not polish the wood paneling? Has it not occurred to TGVN that a woman who’s escaped prison could also escape his rinky-dink set-up? I wouldn’t put it past these writers to pen Jordan’s ability to fit through the bars because she’s lost weight on her brussel sprout diet. I initially thought Jordan’s aversion to the veggie is a bit overdone (shocker) but then recalled my kids having pretty much the same reaction. Not to worry Jordan – pretty soon your own body odour will overpower even the most pungent of foods…. While it’s true that Audra’s much younger than Ashley, she’s hardly a ‘girl’ and NO woman in her right mind, in her mid 60’s. no less, would keep pointing out that the woman they’re competing against is 30 years younger. But, of course, Ashley’s not in her ‘right mind’ … Nate and Audra have zero chemistry. They make Victor and Nikki’s dry-lipped pecks look passionate … If the jazz lounge isn’t open for hours, shouldn’t it be inaccessible to guests? Good to know that anyone can walk in off the street to grab a bottle to quench their thirst . Poor Nikki’s been sneaking around with her flask for nothing…. If Connor’s in such emotional distress and Adam and Chelsea are so triggering, why is he able to contact them with ease? I thought he was supposed to be under observation.