Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Tucker saw ‘intense urgency’ in Devon’s eyes – he needs my help right now. He and Dom are the only family he has. I’m not family to you because I don’t bow to your commands, Audra tears up in anger. You don’t really want ‘us’. I’ll go to Paris alone, she stomps out.

Jill can’t believe that Devon and Lily are pulling an ambush on her (and Billy) This move neutralizes him, she sees no purpose in taking a vote since there’s no question where Abby stand. Except Abby surprises them all – she’s voting with Jill and against Devon/Lily.

After Jill logs off, Lily quips that she regrets not voting Nate onto the board while Devon wonders why his ‘babe’ voted against him. Abby doesn’t appreciate him taking her vote for granted. Her whole life she’s been expected to choose between the people she loves – Devon’s the last person she expected to put her in that position.

Shouldn’t you be at the airport? Sally joins Audra at Society’s bar to hear all about Tucker being a ‘complete jackass/bastard’. Hearing the whole story, she kinda sees Tucker’s point.

Abby’s not your friend, she’s a spoiled little rich girl who never had to work – Lily will come around, Phyllis suggests Daniel go home and have a nice evening with Lucy and Heather. You have a good life. You’re so talented, she stands to say as Daniel leaves. Tucker appears to wonder what happened to the good old days.

Having no desire to commiserate over parenting woes with Tucker (whose son fired hers) Phyllis is sure Billy will rehire Daniel – Jill transferred all her corporate power to him; Lily/Devon don’t get to do whatever they want anymore. Tucker’s all ears.

Devon’s sorry he didn’t have time to give Abby a heads up. Jill brought Chancellor into this partnership – you and Lily benefited from the deal, she explains her vote. Lily points out the silver lining; removing Billy’s power would have made him more dangerous.

Sally knows how desperately Tucker wants to reconnect with his son/grandson and feels that Audra might be conflating the situations with Devon and Ashley. Refusing to be taken for granted, Audra will go to Paris and have Glacade’s board vote Tucker out. Nate arrives at Society to eavesdrop.

When Abby returns to her office to relay her encounter with Daniel, Lily cautions her against sharing confidential information. But, that doesn’t stop her from sharing info of her own; Daniel pleading his case got to her. She’s looking for middle ground to avoid a court battle; maybe CW could hire Daniel as an outside consultant and give him some of the profits. Abby thinks that a fair compromise.

After Sally leaves with her take out food, Nate asks Audra to skip the trip to Paris and have dinner with him.

As luck would have it, Devon arrives seconds after Phyllis blabs that Billy’s on a national tour promoting CW. A few more seconds and Tucker’s relayed the info to Devon; who wastes no time confronting Phyllis for violating her confidentiality clause. I quit. Your business is toxic, she announces. When Devon leaves in a hurry, she gives Tucker her best ‘how’d you like them apples’ look.