Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

Finding her sister talking to herself as she pours Tequila, Traci’s alarmed when Ashley refers to herself in the third person. God forbid Ashley has emotions – I accepted you and Jack – why can’t you accept me?

Fine, Devon sits back down – this is no quid pro quo. He expects Tucker’s help without strings (like going to Dom’s recital) He just wants ammo to use against Billy.

Sally’s not talking about leaving the ‘brilliant’ Adam; she’s thinking of giving up on interior design to return to fashion. Audra advises her to do what makes her happy.

What a nice surprise, Traci lets Alan in then quickly excuses herself to make a call. He soon finds himself talking to non-nonsense Ashley instead of the flirtatious personality.

Handing Sally a drink, Audra tells her that she used to be an artist. Since she wasn’t able to make a living at it, she chose stability over struggle. It just wasn’t meant to be.

Bored and exhausted, Ashley tells Alan that their friendship has run its course and slams out. When Traci returns, Alan tells her that Ashley has multiple personalities – the one he just spoke to is most concerning.

The truth is that Tucker didn’t have a specific plan to get rid of Jill/Billy but hoped Maime would dig up some useful dirt once she was on the inside. Let me take care of Billy, he suggests to Devon.

Lily reads Billy’s text aloud to Nate – he’s sorry for the abrupt departure but is going to visit various company offices while she and Devon cool down. I’ll be in touch. He’s fired the first shot by going to rally allies, she’s pissed.

Tucker can take action that Devon can’t or won’t. Make a big show of accepting Billy; you be the honourable son while I’m the bad guy (still) That sounds complicated and messy to Devon. He appreciates the offer but no thanks, he leaves.

Thanked for her good advice, Audra’s thrilled to get a text from the airline. She and Tucker can catch an earlier flight. Au revoir GC! Au revoir Ashley!

Though it’s too soon to officially diagnose Ashley with DID, Alan knows that Traci’s seen the same things he has. It’s probable that the personas have been formed to protect Ashley’s psyche. Protect her psyche from what? Traci’s understandably troubled.

Returning to find Audra packed for Paris, Tucker clarifies that it’s HOS decision whether or not to help Devon. If I get Billy out of CW, he’ll give me another chance as a father.

Sure that Billy wants to establish himself as ‘the man to see’, Lily quips ‘nice of you to join us’ when Devon arrives. She hopes his ‘errand’ was more important than Billy and Jill shaking up the company. Devon thinks it good that Billy’s promoting himself as the face of CW. That gives us them more time to find a way to cut him off at the knees.

Alan assumes Ashley’s personas are protecting her from something substantial she’s dealing with. We need to get the real Ashley to the surface for treatment in a controlled environment. What if we can’t? Traci frets.

In the park, mean Ashley tells the other two to shut up. It’s time for Tucker McCall to die, she’s decided.