Monday, May 13th, 2024

Prodded for comment, Alan ventures a guess; Tucker wants Ashley to get well so he’s off the hook for hurting her.

When a staff member returns his credit card, Tucker’s amused to realize that Alan had already decided to stick around a bit longer to help Ashley. You ate up all that info. I like your style, they again shake hands again and wish each other well.

Devon can’t walk away from his partnership with Lily but insists to Abby that Billy MUST go.

Appreciating Lily’s offer to revisit the decision with the board, Daniel wishes her good luck with whatever else she’s dealing with. Noe alone, Lily re-opens her laptop to ask Jill if she really gave Billy her power behind their backs.

Audra joins Tucker to relay her encounter with Ashley – she claims to be happy for us. Maybe Alan IS helping her. Possible, Tucker agrees.

Alan joins Ashley to say that she had a run in with Tucker. He seems guilty about what happened and cares about you. Ashley’s only interested in better things.

Daniel arrives at Society to exchange introductions with Tessa; her music’s gotten him through a rough time. I’m a good listener, she offers.

Lily’s stunned – why would you hand control to Billy? Jill explains that Devon forced her hand; now you’ll be forced to work with Billy. Lily warns that she’s made things so much worse.

Tessa serves Daniel a beer and praise for creating Princess Louisa; his game for Lucy that he lost in the ‘giant mess’ he caused. She can relate to causing one’s own trouble.

Alan tells Ashley that he didn’t feel the need to answer the ‘entitled’ Tucker’s questions. Good, she again wants to focus on what’s right in front of her.

When Tucker suggests they leave for Paris immediately, Audra wonders if he’s trying to run away from something.

Still in the park, Devon puts Lily on speakerphone as she confirms that Jill transferred all her power to Billy. Though worried about where he plans to stop on his way to CW, Abby sends Devon off to meet with his sister.

Tessa tells Daniel that she was with Noah and Mariah with Devon when she used her diary for lyrics after attending a music festival. He wonders how she was able to fix things.

Strolling through Chancellor Park, Alan asks Ashley about Katherine. Nervous because she can’t remember, Ashley would rather kiss him.

Tucker’s not running away – he wants to GET away, with Audra. Hey, Devon comes through the revolving door. Got a second? I could use your help, he asks his Dad.