Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Poor Mom, poor Dad. Nick’s also sorry for suggesting that Jordan’s alive. There’s no body but Vikki knows she couldn’t have survived that fall.

Victor shouts – I’ve been looking for you all night!! Jack defends Nikki – it’s not her fault – the ambulance was for me. Your wife saved my life. Victor’s unimpressed.

I slipped, Jack admits. That’s not how it happened, Nikki’s turn to defend. Victor doesn’t care how it happened. Get cleaned up; I’m taking you home. Now alone with Jack, Victor thinks what he did ‘unconscionable’. Jack agrees but Nikki’s ready for rehab. She saved my life, he repeats. Victor wouldn’t have.

Claire won’t waste her second chance. Summer comes back down to ask Kyle to come upstairs to see Harrison. Hoping she can see him again soon, Claire will reinforce that they’re both OK. Thanks for letting me see him. After she leaves, Summer tells Kyle that Harrison is not OK. We’re doing him no favours by not dealing with it.

Nikki’s now ready to go. Once they get home, Victor will make arrangements with a rehab facility. Not wanting to leave Jack alone with his pills, Nikki gets Jack to hand them over. Victor doesn’t say a word as he follows Nikki out.

Vikki comes home – Claire!? Claire!?

Summer tells Kyle that Harrison wanted locks on bunny’s house. He asked about Claire. If she’s safe he feels safe. He’s talking about her not himself. Kyle agrees that Harrison needs a therapist – and a nanny. No, Summer’s decided that she’ll watch him. Nothing is more important to her than Harrison.

Vikki’s panicking on the phone. I can’t find Claire! What if Jordan’s not dead!? On cue, Claire comes in. Don’t scare me like that again! Vikki holds her tightly.

Now home, Nikki asks Victor to stop blaming Jack. I was already wasted when he got there. Having tried everything to stop her from drinking, Jack shocked her out of her binge by joining in. Victor thinks it a stupid idea – I could have lost you!

Claire confesses that it was strange being back in the Abbott house. Will Harrison forget? Vikki hopes he and Claire both do. Kyle couldn’t have been nicer, Claire reports – Summer? She was ‘civil’. She’ll never trust me. Your cousin will in time, Vikki’s sure (and if anyone bullies Claire she’ll set them straight) Your Grandmother’s finally home, Vikki says after reading a text. It’s a long story – without an explanation, she has to go up to the main house.

At the ranch, Nikki now knows that rehab is her only option to regain her sobriety. Victor cuts her off when she credits Jack. He doesn’t want to hear about his idiotic plan that could have killed Nikki. In fact, don’t say his name. I love you, they hug.

When Jack comes home, Kyle blurts out – Dad, where have you been?! Are you OK? (he notices how disheveled Jack is)

Coming down with her overnight bag, Nikki tells Nick and Vikki that she’s checking into rehab. Please be ‘particularly kind’ to their dad. Look after him. Keep him calm and steady. I love you, ~group hug~

Of course Jack’s OK. A friend needed help. He just needs some sleep. You look like hell, Kyle then relays that Summer wants Harrison to see a child psychologist. Claire came by, he adds. She and Harrison share a strong bond. It’s been rough on her; she knows everyone doubted her. When Jack goes off on a tangent about knee-jerk reactions in a time of crisis; going with instincts and dealing with the repercussions later. Kyle’s puzzled – you sure you’re OK? Knock knock – Victor has a warning for Jack. He’ll say this once and only once. Don’t you ever come near my wife again!

Next Week: I thought we were friends, Nate says – that’s what friends do. They tell each other the truth. Are you sure that’s all it is? Audra grins…. What’s this meeting about? Lily asks Maime. Oh well, she’d prefer to wait til everyone arrives. It’ll be worth it, she promises… Victor asks Cole about his relationship with Vikki – has something changed? … Diane’s livid. You threw away years of sobriety for Nikki Newman! My sobriety is not at risk, Jack calmly reassures. How do I know you don’t have pills on you right now!? Diane asks,