Chelsea comes over to Adam’s – Connor’s ready to talk to them. We have to tread carefully, she cautions – we can’t screw this up.
Nikki drops by Jack’s to express relief that Harrison’s home and regret for thinking Claire was involved. She called Vikki last night.
Summoned to the ranch, Mike joins Victor, Cole and Vikki; who’s sure it was Claire who called last night. She heard the word ‘Mom’. There must be something else we can do while waiting for cell towers to be checked.
Chelsea and Adam are both nervous. Her defense mechanism is anxiety, his is anger. We can do this.
Mike upsets Cole and Vikki by considering that Claire might be involved – forgive me, he apologizes. Vikki then snaps at her father – the one person who might know Claire’s whereabouts is dead!
Jack’s sorry he doubted Claire too but won’t let Nikki blame herself. It’s my fault they were kidnapped, Nikki insists. Summer appears -‘what did you do’?
On video chat, Adam immediately breaks the rules by questioning Connor. Chelsea tells him to take his time – we’re here to listen, when you’re ready. We love you.
Nikki appreciates Jack for trying to protect her but confesses to Summer that she called 911. Summer’s surprised to hear that Claire was willing to let her Aunt die and doesn’t understand why her grandma saved Jordan. You have every reason to hate me, Nikki adds.
Still too calm, Victor knows Jordan’s where she should be and Claire will soon be where she should be. Getting his permission to go search the motel room, Cole and Vikki leave a suspicious Mike to ask Victor exactly how Jordan died.
Conner tells his parents that his doctor’s pretty cool – she gets his moods; dissociations and are teaching him not to get impatient with himself. Chelsea can relate but Adam’s pressure earns him a scolding (from Connor)
Jack’s sure Summer doesn’t blame her grandmother. Is that right? Nikki’s question is met with silence. Declining Jack’s offer to go to a meeting, she needs to work first but promises to go afterwards. It’s OK to blame me, she tells Summer (who halfheartedly agrees with Jack that Jordan’s solely to blame) Knowing she’s lying, Nikki shows herself out.