Monday, March 11th, 2024

Cole and Vikki arrive, then Adam. Victor’s with Jordan – she’s holding him hostage, Mike tells everyone (except Nick; who Nikki didn’t want to wait for)

Victor suspects Jordan plans to kill him tonight whereas his plan is mutually beneficial. She sees a big problem with Victor’s plan.

Jordan doesn’t really care about giving up the money and French chateau – she’s got what she wanted – Victor.

Wondering what Claire knew about her Aunt’s plan, Adam says they should have had police backup. All are upset that Mike let Victor be taken at gunpoint. No one can make Victor do something he doesn’t want to do, Mike continues – Victor offered her 10 million, a new identity and a house in France. He went along to prove it wasn’t a trap.

At Society, Summer joins her Mom – what a nice surprise, she lies. Phyllis insists Summer join her for five minutes (after Billy and Chance go to talk business)

OK, Summer has five minutes for her Mom. Phyllis asks what’s going on with Chance. Did you two have a sleepover? I can see the glow all over your face Phyllis is glad one of them is having a successful romantic life.

At their table, Chance is blunt – no one missed you, If anything Devon and Nate were relieved that you weren’t around. Billy’s happy to hear it.

Adam continues to blame Claire – are you working with your Aunt?

Her gun still aimed at Victor, Jordan leads him into a dark, dingy room with a tiny bed. Cozy, isn’t it? Take a seat, she orders. You’ll die a horrible death here – alone. This was her plan all along. Victor should have known he couldn’t outsmart Jordan.

Over breakfast, Billy explains that he wants to keep everyone on their toes. It sounds like office politics to Chance – what’s your real agenda? Are Nate and Devon right? Are you looking for more power? If you want a place in this company stick with me, Billy’s reiterates.

It’s so great – Phyllis knew Summer and Chance were meant to be. What’s going on? Summer can see that something’s wrong. When was the last time you had a Bloody Mary for breakfast? What happened last night? Summer wonders if this has something to do with Danny?

How dare you, Vikki and Cole defend Claire (who adds that she wants Jordan locked up as much as they do) When Adam continues to be suspicious, Claire now agrees that he’s not like the other Newmans. Back to the matter at hand, Mike’s been reading criminals his entire career – Jordan wanted that ‘escape hatch’. Victor has provisions in place (though Mike doesn’t know what they are)

Jordan won’t rest until every member of the Newman family has been dealt with – this doesn’t end with you, she warns Victor. On cue, a hand reaches in to taser her neck. Victor thought Nick would never get there.

Phyllis doesn’t have a ‘love life’ to talk about – she took her shot and struck out. You can’t be that surprised – Danny and Chris have so much history; they’re the ‘real deal’, Summer chirps.

No, Chance doesn’t have a chip on his shoulder due to Billy’s critic of his idea. You and I are at CW to protect Jill’s interests – her interests are our interests. If you want a place in this company, Billy suggests Chance get in line with him.

After Jordan and Victor left, Mike’s as much in the dark as everyone else. But, this is Victor we’re talking about. He said there was another shoe to drop – one Jordan won’t see coming.

Jordan awakens to find herself handcuffed to the railing of the ratty bed – where am I? Not the South of France, Victor quips – cozy isn’t it? Huh!? he now shouts. Nick found them thanks to a tracking device. Looking for this? he has her gun. Don’t you ever underestimate me, Victor scowls down at Jordan.