Friday, March 8th, 2024

Wait here, Phyllis goes into the bathroom. Wow, Nick emits under his breath as he throws the hair extension out and orders room service. Mac and cheese? Phyllis comes out in a robe to thank Nick. He declines a drink – talk to me. No judgement? No judgment.

Phyllis tells Nick that Danny brought Chris to the ‘romantic’ dinner she’d planned for him. I’m just not enough. You are enough – for someone else, Nick’s supportive. Phyllis expresses how lonely she is, then surprises him with a kiss.

Hearing, for the first time, that Eve (her grandmother) was arrested for trying to poison Victor, then escaping from a psych ward to stab Nikki (at her wedding) Claire worries she’s inherited their ‘madness’.

Jordan suspects Victor’s arranged for her to be arrested at the airport or blown up at the house in France. No, and Victor will prove it – take me as your hostage.

Lock me up until you’ve escaped then call my lawyer to tell him where to find me, Victor fleshes out his plan. What if I leave you to rot? Jordan poses. The bank account and new ID vanish, Mike warns.

You’re a kind, decent person, Nikki reassures Claire. Thanks for saying that. Nikki means it – Jordan tried to destroy both of us – but, look at us now. If Victor’s right, we might be rid of Jordan forever tonight. What’s happening tonight? Claire asks.

Over their meal, Phyllis continues to try getting Nick into bed. No, you’ll regret it, he suddenly has to go – glad I could help. At the door, Phyllis gives him a kiss on the cheek – thank you. Anytime, he leaves her looking depressed.

Nikki doesn’t know what Victor’s plan is but if it works, we have you (Claire) to thank. Commending her bravery, Nikki gives Claire the ultimate compliment – You ARE a Newman.

Looking down the barrel of Jordan’s gun, Victor continues to coerce her. Will she choose a new life of wealth or a life being despised and hunted like an animal – do we have a deal?