Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

Abby relays her Mom telling Devon that she was wrong about what happened in Paris – so, perhaps he should forgive Tucker (which means my Mom must be thinking of forgiving you too!) You said ‘you can’t expect Devon to forgive me overnight’ – does that mean he might eventually? Abby hopes not – hurt my family and you WILL regret it! she marches out.

Left alone to her drink, weak-Ashley battles strong-Ashley in her head.

Jordan will be dealt with and we can all put our lives back together. Your Mom hasn’t ‘lost everything’, she has her family – we have each other, Nikki tells Claire that the Newmans.

Vikki runs into her Mom’s arms – all our things are gone! I’m so sorry, Claire then gives her Mom a hug. My Aunt is lashing out – which might make her sloppy.

Jack returns with two pieces of lemon meringue pie – he heard Ashley talking. Yes, she left a message for her doctor friend in Paris. After Ashley goes ‘for a walk’, Diane comes down to tell Jack that it’s time he gave his sister space to battle her demons.

Abby’s summoned Devon to the dining room to say that she just had it out with Tucker (who’s packing for a trip) He somehow got the impression you and my Mom might give him another chance!

Devon doesn’t want Tucker’s bad energy around their family either. Abby doesn’t know what’s going on with her Mom – or why she’s drawing Tucker back in.

Jack and Diane continue to discuss Tucker’s hold over Ashley. You have to stop worrying and let her make her own decision. Jack’s alarmed – one minute Ashley’s confused, the next she’s strong.

Tucker flashes back to his recent confusing encounters with Ashley. Finishing his drink, he sighs – oh Ashley, what’s going on in your head?

Nikki wants to go to the media about Jordan. We can’t without proof, Victor will convince her to meet him – that woman won’t get the upper hand on me.

Agreeing that Diane’s right, Jack appreciates how she’s risen above everything Ashley’s put her through. Diane will happily do her part to give Jack a peaceful home. You’ve been spreading yourself too thin (the unspoken part pertains to Nikki)

On cue, Nikki calls Jack with shaking hands – I’m having a hard time. Without hesitation, he’ll be there in half an hour. I’ll wait up for you, Diane sends Jack off with an eye roll and a sigh he misses)

Abby and Devon are surprised to run into Ashley at the revolving door. She stopped by for something to eat on her way home from the lab. I’m not here to see Tucker, she’s left to look annoyed by Abby’s suspicion – and immediately sends Tucker a text. Come downstairs – it’s urgent.

My Thoughts: While it seems obvious that Claire’s remorse is genuine and that Nikki’s well on her way to forgiving her, I still can’t imagine why she’d let Claire prepare her a cup of tea, unsupervised. Perhaps she’s hoping her granddaughter will spike it with vodka… How can anyone take Victor’s offers of protection seriously anymore? He and his security team have been doing a stellar job of it. Just this evening, Jordan’s managed to kill Seth and burn Vikki’s house to the ground. Forget going to the press, the Newmans should be talking to the police. Surely, Vikki insurance company has a 1-800 number she should be calling – followed by Billy, the kids and Cole (before they all see the news online) … It sure gets tiresome having one’s intelligence insulted on a daily basis. Nikki should be in rehab – Ashley and Claire both need extensive in-patient therapy – none of their conditions can be cured with a cup of tea or lemon meringue pie. At least Claire’s self-aware enough to know that her criminal record will preclude her from working with kids. As far as her resume, Claire’s only job has been a brief stint as Nikki’s meticulous assistant (a position I have no doubt she’ll be rehired for)