Friday, March 1st, 2024

Billy and Chelsea sit on one side of the waiting room, Connor on Adam on the other. Am I in trouble? Connor worries, Or are you all here because something’s really wrong with me?

At CL’s, Chris feels so much better after leaving Danny a message. Nina speaks of love and longing – and the loss Danny might suffer if he doesn’t smarten up.

Phyllis asks Abby if she can rent the restaurant and kitchen this evening. No, Abby doesn’t ‘have to’ let her do this. Everything in my life is riding on this, Phyllis pleads – as Abby walks away.

Nina’s sure Danny wouldn’t leave town without saying goodbye to Chris (who remembers Phyllis trying to kill her; neither she nor Danny want to go through anything like that again)

Is Abby supposed to call everyone who’s made reservations to find other dinner plans? Phyllis suggests she say the kitchen caught fire or the staff came down with bird flu. Abby suggests she take her bad ideas to other restaurants. No, it has to be this one, Phyllis is adamant.

As Chelsea, Adam and Billy reassure Connor, the doctor comes out to summon him and his Mom (to Adam’s annoyance) That leaves Billy to tell Adam to get a handle on himself – you think Connor doesn’t pick up on your attitude?

Talking a bit about herself, the doctor will now ask Connor some questions.

In the waiting room, Adam wonders who Billy’s trying to impress. Billy’s objective so sees things Adam might not. We’re both here for Connor. Losing the attitude, Adam wonders what happens if Connor does have OCD. Billy goes to sit beside him – we deal with it like any other diagnosis; support him and find the right doctors/treatment and move forward.

All the other restaurants turned you down, Abby guesses. OK, maybe she can work something out later in the week. No, no – Phyllis needs it tonight.

Nina encourages Chris to put Phyllis out of her mind – you and Danny have found each other again after all this time. On cue, Danny arrives to say he’s going back on tour in a few weeks. Just like that? You’re giving up on us? Chris is near tears.

Nina leaves Chris and Danny to have a private talk on the patio. Danny knew Chris would call him. He’s not just tired, he’s exhausted. Chris is too – she’s had enough. She’s sad and furious – what the hell is wrong with you? You let Phyllis come between us. If that’s the case, Chris sees no future for them.

Phyllis won’t tell Abby who her ‘prey’ is. You’d just mock me like everyone else, she chokes up and rescinds her request. OK, Abby leaves Phyllis to order a martini and fantasize about Danny serving her dinner. He and saying that he wants to cook for her for the rest of their lives.

Connor doesn’t like anyone looking at him. He doesn’t like school anymore – it’s harder – he can’t concentrate. He has scary thoughts all the time. What scary thoughts? the doctor gently asks.

Yes, Billy got help for his gambling addiction – off and on. The therapy worked – even made me cry one time (but that’s enough info) Adam suspects Billy doesn’t want to expose weaknesses to an enemy. No, Billy won’t hide who he is from anyone – I own it. Yeah, I had a breakdown – when I tried to run you down. He’ll regret that the rest of his life. Thank God Chloe and Kevin saved both of us. Billy started therapy after that. Adam’s glad to hear it. Yes, Adam’s reached out for help a few times too.

Connor doesn’t eat lunch because he worries about getting sick from germs – that’s why he washes his hands so often. What else makes you scared? The kids make fun of me – they’re going to hurt me. The doctor’s sure that’s not true. The scariest thoughts that keep him up at night? That something will happen to my parents and it’ll be my fault.

Danny doesn’t want to be a door prize – or settle for something that’s not real. Chris is falling back in love with him – and if Danny shut out Phyllis’ noise for a second he’d see that he’s falling in love with her too.

At Society’s bar, Phyllis envisions dancing with Danny – we belong in each other’s arms ~kiss~ Abby reappears – good, you’re still here.

Abby’s last reservation is at 8:30 – Phyllis can have the restaurant at !0:00. The staff get paid double. A delighted Phyllis thanks Abby.

About to kiss, Danny’s phone pings. Phyllis’ text reads – we’re all set for 10:00 tonight. Can’t wait. Chris reads it – can’t wait for what?

Connor shares things that calm him down – counting, but only certain numbers – numbers that can be divided by 7. He cleans his room and closet a lot. The doctor thanks Connor for being so helpful and will now speak to his parents. Connor adds that he trusts Billy.

Adam mentions the expose Billy published about him; The Making of a Monster. Yeah, not my finest moment, Billy admits. Adam thanks him – after learning that he killed a man when he was a kid, he went to therapy too. We all need help at sometime or another, they agree.

Connor joins Billy in the waiting room to say that the doctor’s nice – she didn’t act like I’m a freak. He also liked that the doctor made him feel safe to talk. That’s because you were brave and honest, Billy praises him.

Chelsea and Connor are in with the doctor. Connor’s showing all the signs of OCD. Invasive thoughts create anxiety. His fear of germs, illness is overwhelming. The finds relief in putting things in order – he counts only lucky numbers. Chelsea and Adam are devastated. There’s no way to know why Connor has OCD? There’s no cure? Adam frets. No cure, Chelsea tells Adam that they’ll help Connor manage manage his disorder – we can’t panic or do anything that might hurt Connor. When they come out, Chelsea tells Connor that he has OCD – it’s treatable. Yes, you’re going to be OK – they both hug Connor as Billy watches.

Danny knows Phyllis won’t give up unless he stops her. Chris reminds Danny that he said – I want you. No, Danny doesn’t regret those words ~kiss~ I meant it from the bottom of my heart.

Adam, Chelsea and Connor deliver a PSA about children’s mental health – visit www,

My Thoughts: Nice that Billy and Adam bonded over both having to seek therapy at times in their lives. But, disappointing that Adam confides going to therapy after killing a man when he was a kid – but no mention of the kid he killed?! While commiserating with her father?!? Even AFTER the mention of Chloe (Delia’s mom) saving Adam when Billy tried to kill him by RUNNING HIM OVER WITH HIS CAR?!!?? The writers missed n opportunity to make much more power scene (I’m available CBS. Just sayin’)…. Society’s last reservation is for 8:30? I hope they’re two seniors who arrive late, ask endless questions about the menu, send the first plates back because they forgot to mention that they’re lactose and gluten intolerant – oh, and vegan – then eat really, really slowly and stay to talk over coffee for a really long time – it’s bit harder to communicate because Mildred left her hearing aid at home, so Harold has to shout everything twice…. Does Society’s insurance policy even cover random non-employees cooking in their kitchen? What if Danny burns his tongue sampling his famous sauce, cuts his finger dicing onions or slips in a puddle of balsamic salad dressing…. I’m no therapist but when Connor says ‘The kids make fun of me – they’re going to hurt me’, I’m not sure the correct response is ‘that’s not true’. Kids get hurt at school all the time. And hey – while the 2-year global pandemic may have missed Genoa City, the rest of us have been washing our hands frequently since 2020 … Chris is right – Danny can easily, politely but firmly put a stop to Phyllis’ shenanigans IF he can keep his lips off her long enough.