Thursday, January 11th, 2024

If I leave, Jordan wins – so, Claire needs to do this. Alone, she adds when a guard comes in. You can stop this meeting any time you want, Vikki reassures before leaving with Cole. Claire looks up when Jordan enters wearing orange. Do you miss me? she asks.

Seth serves Nikki her favourite blend of tea. It’s his job as her sponsor to help. Hearing that her phone’s been going off a lot, Nikki can’t bear to listen to her messages. When Seth opens the door for room service, Nikki’s mortified when Victor walks in.

Seth leaves Nikki in good hands. With a hug, Victor explains that Lauren called him. What’s happening to me? Nikki crumbles – I’m so ashamed. It’s Jordan’s fault, Nikki’s problems are Victor’s. We’ll begin again ~hug~

Jordan wishes she could hold Claire and never let her go. She risked her own life to save Claire’s. I came to rescue you from Memorial. Our life wasn’t easy but we had each other. We were happy. Claire doesn’t want to talk about the past. We can help each other, Jordan persists.

Tucker says you’re the one who’s lying about Paris and Audra’s never seen him get violent. He’s lying, Ashley insists. You wouldn’t be this upset if you didn’t still have feelings for him, Audra concludes.

Audra cares because Tucker’s love-hate fixation with Ashley has affected her life. He can be supportive and other times make her life miserable. She never knows what Tucker she’ll get on any given day. He wants to be with you. Audra wonders if he has a shot. Are you positive things happened the way you say? Thanks for the chat, Ashley bolts.

Nikki saved my life. You were going to kill us in the cabin , Claire adds that the Newmans have been nice to her. They’re making you think black is white – they’re monsters, Jordan claims. They’re here, aren’t they? Jordan wants to use that to their advantage. You use people – take their confidence, hope and love – leave them with nothing! Claire will never let Jordan use her again.

No, the Newmans won’t abandon me – because I’m walking away. Claire can’t stand to see the sadness in their eyes. Claire came to tell Jordan face to face that she sees her for the monster she is. I could have been happy, with a family. This is the last time we’ll see each other. Claire wants Jordan to live a long, miserable life behind bars. We’re finished when I say we’re finished! Jordan has plans. You chose the wrong side! she shouts as the guard leads her out.

Ashley joins Tucker at the club. I just talked to your girlfriend. Why are you gaslighting me? Tucker and Ashley again compare two different versions about what transpired in Paris.

Tucker isn’t trying to make Ashley look ‘unbalanced’. It won’t work, Ashley vows. You came to me – so you must have some doubts, Tucker says before leaving.

Not trusting Seth, Victor wants Nikki to find a new sponsor. He then updates that Vikki and Cole went to Oregon to protect Claire.

Vikki and Cole return to fuss over Claire. She did what she needed to do. The right thing to do is usually the hardest, Cole opines. Claire thanks them both. We’re here – day or night. Let’s go home. Claire and Vikki leave arm in arm.