Monday, January 8th, 2024

Finding Chance moping over his OJ at Society’s bar, Summer wonders if he regrets hanging up his cape. Your secret’s safe with me, she flirts.

Coffee mugs held aloft, Adam and Nick toast to being co-CEO’s at Newman. Sharon arrives to say she loves it – now, who wants to explain? The brothers point to one another.

It looks like Tucker’s already drinking (at the club) Audra nails it – you want Ashley to say that she’s overreacting to what happened in Paris. The second you think you have a shot with her, our plans go down the drain.

Surprised to see Cole on the CL’s patio, Ashley flashes back to angrily confronting him over his bond with Vikki. It’s much deeper than she can accept. Jumping up to hug her, Cole declares Ashley more beautiful than ever. His reason for being in town is complicated. Taking a seat, she wants to hear all about it.

It’s a private matter, Cole’s vague. Ashley’s equally vague about her recent marriage ending. Whatever happened, he’s sure she was too good for him. Ashley’s visibly annoyed when Vikki appears on the patio.

Back at the GCAC, Tucker and Audra butt heads over her loyalty (which hasn’t changed as long as she gets Jabot)

Dad’s making us get along, Nick and Adam explain as they clink their coffee mugs. Sharon thinks they seem poised to do great things together. After Adam leaves, Nick isn’t picking up on the hints Sharon’s dropping.

Chance will need some time to process all this change. Summer wants to help – you could use it (she means fashion)

Sharon tells Nick that she set Chance free to be with the woman he’s supposed to be with. She’s excited about her new career. They debate who’s responsible for Sharon’s success.

Meeting at the revolving door, Adam and Sally both have ‘pep’ in their step. Since she can’t make dinner, he suggests they share their good news over lunch. Yes, now.

Back on the patio, Ashley can see that Cole and Vikki have remained in contact and asks about the hush-hush family thing. Vikki thanks Ashley for respecting their privacy. Giving Cole a hug, Ashley leaves him to ask Vikki how long they can keep it secret that the baby they lost 27 years ago is at Memorial.