Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

In a suite at the club, Nick sighs – Phyllis is really gone. Sally hugs him silently. Sharon’s still in shock – Chance walks onto patio. Phyllis’ death is one of a kind, Victor manages to say to Nikki at Society. At the seedy motel, Jeremy tells Phyllis that there’s... Read more

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

At the Crimson Lights coffee shop Chelsea wonders if a depressed Billy is regretting their kiss. No no he’s shocked by Phyllis’ death. They agree that she was a lot and that Billy should come upstairs to Chelsea’s apartment for the night. A night on the sofa that is. Back... Read more

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

Still in the jazz lounge, Chance tells a devastated Summer that her Mom did indeed die when the ambulance ran off the road en route to Memorial. Chance is concerned that this crash must remind her of Rey’s. Her only concern is for Phyllis’ loved ones. Jack and Diane are... Read more

Friday, April 1st, 2023

There’s confusion at the GCAC – there’s been an accident – but surely it couldn’t be connected to Phyllis, Jack tries to convince himself. Chance gets a call as Leanna tries to pump Sharon for info (which is NOT happening) As Victor and Vikki are trying to make sense of... Read more

Thursday, March 30th, 2023

All are shocked when Jeremy claims that he and Phyllis married a few days ago – she turned to him because everyone was so mean to her. A distraught Amanda is consoled by Lily – who’s warned not to trust Devon. Lily has faith in her brother. Ashley’s not taking... Read more

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023

All applaud Jack and Diane. Nick and Sally decide it’s time to go get that burger. Telling Sharon that he is indeed concerned about the baby, Adam follows them. Refusing Daniel’s request that she stop, Phyllis loudly wails about Diane taking everything from her. She sure is lucky to have... Read more

Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

I should do the world a favour and strangle you to death! Up in a suite, Diane’s throttling Phyllis when Jack, Summer and Kyle race in. She’s trying to kill me – you all saw it! Stay away from me! Phyllis leaves coughing. On the CL’s patio, Billy assures Chelsea... Read more

Monday, March 27th, 2023

At the gala Devon and Lily tell Jill that they’ve made up. He won’t fight the merger and is dropping the lawsuit – but not everything’s resolved (according to Devon) Watching Lily and Devon, Elena and Nate clink glasses. If they can make up, anything’s possible. Adam tells Sharon that... Read more

Friday, March 24th, 2023

On the dancefloor, Kyle and Summer express how happy they are to have moved back to GC. Jack and Diane dancing together annoys Lauren – he swore he’d never let her back into his life. All hell would break loose if Phyllis saw them together. Upstairs, Phyllis suspects Jack and... Read more

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

The paparazzi vie for the attention of Nick/Sally and Adam/Sharon – until they agree to pose together. Jack and Diane hit the red carpet next, followed by Leanna Love. Full of herself, she disses Diane and sidles up to Jack. Billy’s downstairs in a crimson tux – when Chelsea comes... Read more