Wednesday, April 19th, 2023

Devon receives a warm welcome back to CW from Ester and then Lily (who gives him a long hug) On the CL’s patio, Lucy’s scheduled to fly back to Portugal at noon. She loved Phyllis – and Daniel loved having Lucy there for the service. She notices that her Dad’s... Read more

Tuesday, April 18th, 2023

Dropping by Tucker’s suite, Ashley hopes the bubbly on ice and single red rose indicates that Devon agreed to buy McCall. In her office, Vikki looks longingly at the desk Nate mounted her on. Is this a bad time? Audra appears to ask. Again at Society, Elena again asks Nate... Read more

Monday, April 17th, 2023

In a visiting room, Diane’s understandably upset; she’s overdressed and hoping they’ll realize a mistake’s been made. Sorry to say but Jack thinks they need to accept some hard truths. At the house, Summer tells Kyle that she crawled into bed beside Harrison and fell asleep. Kyle spent the night... Read more

Friday, April 14th, 2023

On the freak-out scale, Jack’s at an 8, Kyle’s an 11. He needs to clear his Mother’s name. Otherwise, his marriage is at risk. Still at the jazz lounge, something feels ‘off’ to both Summer and Chance. He thinks this isn’t the best place for her to be. She disagrees.... Read more

Thursday, April 13th, 2023

Nate ravishes Vikki atop her desk Sharon’s delighted that Mariah’s home and can’t wait to hold the l’il ‘nugget’ ~hug~ Summer appreciates her Dad’s company at the Abbott house since she doesn’t know when she’ll hear from Kyle. He’s probably at the station with Diane (his top priority now) Kyle... Read more

Wednesday, April 12th, 2023

Grandma would be proud of you, Daniel tells Lucy. Summer says a few touching words to her niece before addressing everyone. If only we could know what happened that night – someone knows the truth. Chance sends a text requesting a search warrant ASAP. This is supposed to be a... Read more

Tuesday, April 11th, 2023

At home, Jack admires the program Summer had printed, with the photo of Phyllis that Daniel tweaked. When Diane questions the choice of venue, Jack lists everything that went wrong in the jazz lounge that night. Kyle appears to agree – it’s a terrible mistake (to hold the service there)... Read more

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Looking incredibly lonely, Phyllis looks at her phone, in her low-budget motel room. The headline announces plans for her memorial service. Lauren joins Chris at Society. She’s numb and all cried out. I can’t believe she’s gone. Whatever Chris is about to say is interrupted when Chance calls with the... Read more

Friday, April 7th, 2023

Hearing Jack leave a voicemail for Nick, Ashley cattily remarks ‘how sweet’ it is that he’s taking time off from fawning over Diane to show someone else compassion. Too bad Phyllis dying overshadowed your engagement announcement. Ash rolls her eyes with disgust as Jack staunchly defends the woman he loves.... Read more