I don’t usually recap repeats… I mean ‘classic’ episodes. But this one from 2003 was fun. I miss GC’s big galas. It makes the Baldwins 3-guest vow renewal even more pathetic.
Sharon’s hosting the Art Council’s annual party, and posh outdoor event (She looks stunning)
Lauren tells Nick that Mike’s basically bribing vendors to get favourable shelf space for Newman’s cosmetics (she’s aged incredibly well and Nick is far, FAR more handsome now)
Hot to trot, Mike suggests he and Victoria (then played by Heather Tom) get ‘sloppy’, lampshade-on-head drunk. Do I dance? I’m the ‘golden God of dance’, he wiggles a bit.
Furious and frenzied, Kevin pours gasoline all over Gina’s Place. Help me please – don’t leave me in here, Colleen shivers in the restaurants’ stand up fridge. Kevin’s glad he won’t have to listen to her whiny voice again – it’s called karma, baby! He smashes Colleen’s phone (as a puzzled JT leaves her a message)
Britney claims to be having a good time with Bobby Marsino (despite ex, Raul, being there)
Cougar Lauren’s hanging out with Raul. Let’s go dance! (she’s now 60, the actor who plays Raul is now would be 44. You go girl!)
Neil encourages Lily to eat. He’s sorry for letting her down (she’s salty and feels old enough to date a much older guy she met online. Kevin is the guy and if I recall correctly, he gave her an STD. Heartbreaking to see Kristoff)
Unable to find Ashley, a worried Brad calls babysitter Frances over to watch Abby so he can go look for Ashley.
Impatiently waiting at Fenmore’s, JT calls Colleen again. Thinking he was maybe supposed to meet her at the Newman ranch, he leaves.
Can anyone hear me? Please – it’s so cold, Colleen curls up in Gina’s fridge.
Kevin, the arsonist, lights a match.
Telling Frances that Ashley may have gone to Gina’s, Brad hurries off.