Nikki’s family are wondering where she is – she’d never spend Christmas Eve away from the family. Maybe Jordan kidnapped her. Victor shares more bad news – your Mother may be drinking again.
Following Jordan’s instructions, Nikki hid her car and drove one Jordan hired. Now, at gunpoint, she demands to see Claire.
Refusing to believe his Mom’s drinking again, Nick believes Jordan took her. Going to the bar to sniff from the vodka bottle, Victor determines it’s mostly water.
Nikki implores Jordan to let Claire go – to have a fresh start as Vikki and Cole’s daughter.
Slurring and stumbling, Nikki tells Jordan that Even never even mentioned having a sister. Jordan’s plan is to kill Nikki – her life for Claire’s.
Joining the Newmans at the ranch, Cole’s updated that Nikki’s missing and probably drinking. Jordan is pure evil, Vikki fumes. Victor barks into his phone – find my wife now! Finding her Mom’s purse, Vikki pulls out the flask and an address. Cole recognizes it.
Giving Nikki a bottle of vodka, Jordan sneers at her. My God you’re pitiful. Is Claire here or is this a set up? Nikki asks.
Jordan finds Nikki’s questions tedious – have a drink, I’ll be right back. She quickly returns wheeling in an unconscious Claire.
Maybe Nikki wrote the address down so we’d find her. Nick will call the police. 72 Dockside Lane is a cabin Cole’s Mom used to take him to when he was a kid. Maybe Nikki went to find Claire, Victor suggests. No, she doesn’t care about her but YOU do.
What a pair, Jordan scoffs – Nikki’s drunk and Claire’s sedated. It’s time this ends. As Claire awakens groggily, Nikki smashes the bottle over Jordan’s head. We have to get out of here. Stand up. Suddenly lunging at Nikki, Jordan takes her down.