Chelsea needs to know what Billy bought ‘for Connor’ to make sure she didn’t get him the same thing. Billy pulls items out of his gift bag; a snorkel, beret and bikini. He’s taking Chelsea to San Tropez for New Years.
Kyle floats his Dad’s theory that Tucker may not have a plan at all; it’s a game to make the Abbott’s worry. What if he’s playing all of us? Audra trusts him (while Kyle’s again asked to prove himself and accused of stalling)
Downstairs, Tucker sends a text to Audra – we should meet.
After Ashley excuses herself to call her lawyer, Diane (in her role as CFO) continues to complain about Billy. That’s MY call, Jack’s very clear – Billy and Kyle are BOTH where they belong.
Billy appreciates Chelsea helping him see that he’s been approaching this whole Tucker/Jack/Diane thing. The ‘chase’ will always be with him but can’t let it lead him to a dangerous place. His answer? To remove temptation. By leaving Jabot? When you’re family is going to war? she’s surprised.
Summer would love to go to the concert with Chance but wouldn’t Sharon mind? She’ll have more fun working on Kirsten stuff. And Chance has VIP all-access tickets. Summer agrees to call him later. Passing Daniel on his way out, Chance asks him to convince Summer to go to the concert with him. Are you blushing? Daniel sits to ask.
Audra appreciates Kyle’s concern. Yes, we need to know what Tucker’s planning – but Kyle needs to come up with proof that he’s with them. But now, it’s time for more sex.
Audra’s sure she can get details from Tucker. Sending Kyle off to get that info, she heads to the bathroom. Kyle’s left to answer the door with his shirt unbuttoned. Gee, what are you doing here? Tucker quips.
Daniel pokes fun at Summer for being all giddy about Chance. Go to the concert with him. Sharon will find out and it will get messy, she frets. Daniel suspects that Summer might even love Chance. She changes the subject – perhaps Daniel’s thinking about Heather with Lily out of town. For some weird reason, he thanks his sister for not kicking him in the head and leaves.
Tucker wonders whose side Kyle’s on. Likening his mission to that of a detective who’s sent to a crime scene but not told what the crime is, Kyle wants to know Tucker’s game plan. Or count me out.
When Audra joins them dressed for the office, Tucker tattles that her boyfriend wants to know the game plan. She wouldn’t mind knowing herself. Tucker’s plan is for Kyle to get info on one of Jabot’s new products and the formula to make it. Glacade will launch it first. Jack will look for the guilty party. The breadcrumbs will lead to the guilty party. And who’s that? Diane or Billy. The scandal will ruin Jabot.
Billy’s not sure he can leave his family while they fight Tucker. Chelsea agrees but this is what fuels you. Billy does have one option.
Summer calls Chance to say ‘count me in’.
Billy suggests he go to work with his Mom at Chancellor. He’ll still be fighting Tucker and not have to worry about letting Jack down. He has Diane, Ashley and Kyle. Mom needs me. Chelsea’s onboard.
Ashley calls Tucker to say that she’s sent him a text with the price. Take it or leave it. Tucker doesn’t need more time. Good, Ashley will send him the paperwork. Jack’s sure they will finally put an end to Tucker McCall.
Next Week: In the jazz lounge, Nate tells Victor that he thinks Nikki might be drinking again. At that moment, Victor looks up. Spotting him, a panicked Nikki bolts back up the staircase … Ha! With Audra, Tucker drops his phone on the bar and orders champagne for everyone … Vikki and Cole tell Claire that the DNA results came back. Tell me who I am, she implores.