Tuesday, September 26th,2023

Is this a test? Everything’s a test – every minute of every day, Victor ambles out. Getting a call from Devon, Nate goes to meet his cousin at the club. Adam’s left to grumble to Victor’s portrait.

Our father’s behavior isn’t normal, Vikki’s indignant when Nick suggests she just wants her job back. You only noticed his mental decline after losing your job? Coincidental.

At the club, Nate tells Devon that his Mom doesn’t own LLB but Aunt Maime has a small investment firm. Yes, it’s based in Detroit. You only reach out when you want something, he grumbles. Thanks, Devon leaves in a huff.

Maybe Jill’s the ‘unfinished business’ Maime’s back to take care of, Jack suggests to Traci.

Greeting his Aunt Maime as she comes through the revolving door, Nate relays that Devon was just asking about her business and her sister, Lillibelle. What are you up to?

Back at the estate, Devon and Lily are wondering the same thing – Maime is our secret investor. Why didn’t she tell us? What is she up to?

In her suite, Maime tells Nate that he’s the one person she can trust with the truth. She invested in Chancellor Winters. Why keep it a secret? he asks.

Vikki’s indignation continues – it’ll be physically taxing for Dad to come to the office every day. Nick warns of the fury that will rain down on her if she tells Dad that he’s not capable of running Newman. She storms out after Adam stops by their table to complain about being her boyfriend’s gopher.

Our father has a helluva sense of humour, Nick and Adam agree. You asked for this opportunity, Nick isn’t sure who he trusts less – Nate or Adam. Seems you don’t really want to start at the bottom – but Nick doesn’t care – unless Adam hurts Dad or Vik; then you’ll have to deal with me, he warns.

Jack and Traci hope Maime’s not going up against Jill (who knows how to play dirty)

Jill’s head will explode, Nate comments – is this payback? Cue flashback #2. At least this one’s interesting; a brief recap of the history between Jill and Maime.

Maime tells Nate that she doesn’t want to reveal her secret yet and needs his help keeping it from Devon and Lily. She’s disappointed to heat that they may have already figured it out)

Lily wants to be sure before telling anyone – and we have to figure out Maime’s motives.

My Thoughts: Adam not saying (when pointed out to him) that ‘if Vikki started in the mailroom, so will I’ should be a HUGE waving red flag that he’s NOT sincere about proving himself by starting at the bottom (maybe Victor really is in mental decline) … I hope the insufferable Nate gives his insufferable assistant a to-do list from hell – all jotted down in that ineligible doctors scribble – on copious amounts of sticky notes – which he then plasters on the monitor of Adam’s 90’s era computer running Windows 98… What does Nate need an assistant for anyway? Turning down the sheets in the corporate suite? … Adam’s about as serious about changing as Phyllis is – she’s committed blackmail and computer hacking since turning over a new leaf a few weeks ago …. It makes no sense for Maime to come back to town to get back at Jill after all these years. Why would she advise Jack not to get back at Tucker for recent transgressions when she’s out for revenge after DECADES? And where was she when her family was at one another’s throats?