Monday, September 25th, 2023

Dad’s being reckless, taking on too much, Vikki wonders if her Mom’s not concerned too. Nikki tried to take him on a trip but he feels he can handle it. Vikki wants her Mom on her side.

Jill has no doubt that Victor’s enjoying watching her squirm. She’ll be pissed if he sold to Tucker. It’s time I speak to Victor myself.

Nate gets it – Victor wants him to be Adam’s friend if he’s sincere but keep an eye on him if he’s not.

Knowing that Adam’s on a new path, Jack suggests giving him the dirt on Tucker might prove that. He’s happy to hear how Adam’s reinventing himself – what’s the first step? Starting at the ground floor at Newman. Your idea? Jack’s impressed (and Victor must be too) He gets a text from Traci, summoning him home right away.

Can we wrap this up? Jack needs to get home. Tucker’s coming after Jabot, he’s concerned. You’re one of the good ones, Adam will give him the intel IF Jack will agree to help him down the road if he needs it.

Nikki doesn’t like being caught in the middle and isn’t sure how to approach Victor. She can’t take Vikki’s side against him. Don’t undermine your father – that will end badly for you, she warns.

Nick doesn’t regret leaving Newman – Victor left a message saying he’s coming back as CEO. Vikki was trying to reach him – likely to bring him back as an ally. No, it never ends with my Dad (he agrees with Sally)

Sally understands why Nick would want to leave NE and why he’d want to stabilize his family. Both have been fooled by Adam and agree that ‘conflict/chaos’ is in his DNA.

The ladies arrive as Victor’s shaking Nate’s hand. No, he doesn’t need Vikki to attend his meeting at Society (which irks her as much as his condescending attitude, comparing her to Adam and reminding that no one’s job is secure) Left alone, Vikki asks Nate what her father wanted. He wants me to be Adam’s new best friend.

The day may never come but Adam hopes he can count on a favour from Jack if needed. It might be a deal with the devil but Jack will risk it. Check your inbox, Adam sends Jack off a happy man.

Vikki can’t believe her father’s giving Adam another chance. Nate agrees that Adam has an agenda (Victor expects him to find out the truth one way or another) Not a bad plan, Vikki admits.

Sally encourages Nick to call his sister – maybe it’s important. She asks him to meet her – it’s important.

At Society, Victor props up his phone to take Jill’s videocall. She’s annoyed when he refuses to tell her who the mystery investor is.

Traci greets Jack – she didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Surprise? ‘Jackie’s’ thrilled to see that Maime.