Thursday, August 24th, 2023

Giving Ester some emergency phone numbers and instructions, Sharon leaves the coffee shop in her new manager’s hands. Amused by her Mom’s enthusiasm, Chloe congratulates Ester ~hug~

Nate sits with Audra to update that Newman Media will soon be a bigger company; you’ve done a good job. Nick, Sharon and Adam won’t care about my numbers, Audra doesn’t understand why Victor’s giving in to Adam. You don’t know what Victor’s thinking or how it’ll end, Nate points out.

Telling Sally about the merger, Adam’s concerned about the variables – like Nate; he’s made inroads with my Dad. There’s too many cooks in this corporate kitchen. He (Adam) wants to run the company by himself. Victor’s not calling it a merger – he wants to fold SNA into NM. I built that company; I should be the one to run it. Sally looks uncomfortable when Nick knocks on the door and shouts – it’s me and Sharon!

Hearing that Elena’s heading home after working another all-nighter, Mariah and Tessa appreciate her taking the time to calm them and are ‘concerned’ and ‘worried’ that she’s burying herself in work. It’s the only thing that hasn’t disappointed me, Elena sighs. You have your friends, you have us, the Moms say with sincerity.

Worried she’ll be demoted; that Victor won’t keep her on, Audra won’t wait around and hope for the best. Adam pushed – maybe Victor respects that. She likes her job and will fight for it. Her arm swings violently
as she marches out.

What’s going on? Nick asks as he and Sharon are let into Adam’s. Sally was offered a job. This is something he should have run by his partners, Nick’s mad (but not at Sally) Adam squirms as she gives Nick a kiss on her way out. This isn’t working, Sharon and Nick say. Adam agrees and decides that HE should take charge.

To what do we owe the pleasure? Nikki asks coldly. As Newman Media’s CEO, Audra thinks she’s owed confirmation on the rumours. Profits are up 17% last quarter, she boasts. 17.4%, Victor corrects. Audra will continue to deliver results – unless she’s out of a job.

Elena appreciates her friends – she’s doing a lot better, loves her work and has finally gotten Nate out of her system.

Sally joins Chloe (at Society) as she ends a call with Chelsea. She’s glad her former partner has a job filling in at Marchetti. As for her job with Adam and Nick – it might be more complicated than she’s ready for.

Ester’s thrilled when Maria and Tessa wheel Aria into CL’s. Loudly announces that she’s the NEW MANAGER, she’s sorry to wake the baby up. No, it’s fine, the Moms are relieved when Aria cries .

Victor’s impressed with Audra withstanding Adam’s threats – maybe she’s the one I should be mentoring. She and Nate don’t need mentoring – they need a short leash, Nikki is NOT impressed.

Audra’s back at the GCAC to relay her visit with Victor. Nate’s impressed with her talent, ambition and ‘grit’. Coming through the revolving door, Elena watches them through narrowed eyes.

You told us this partnership is all you have left, Sharon insists it can work if they stick to the plan to be co-CEO’s. Nick agrees – work with us. Let go of the past – and this need to be in charge. Get your ambition in check or you’ll destroy everything we’ve accomplished.

Next Week: Sharon suggests to Nick that they back out of the whole deal. We’ll be free of Newman, free of Victor, and especially free of Adam… Is it treatable? Yes, it is, but there is no cure, the doctor tells Tessa and Mariah… Clutching at her throat, Ashley coughs and sputters at Diane – did you just save my life???