Wednesday, July 26th, 2023

Leaning across the table, Phyllis whispers that even Heather won’t be able to save her if she loses her star witness (who Tucker’s threatening to make disappear) Lauren’s sure Jack will come around – earn his forgiveness for yourself, not Tucker.

At the house, Kyle’s stunned to hear that his parents are getting married at the courthouse – soon. He’s suspicious of their rush – what’s this really about?

Jack admits to Kyle that there are other factors at play – he wants to show Ashley (and everyone) how much he loves Diane. Kyle can’t go to the courthouse – he has back to back meetings. Can’t you rearrange your schedule? Diane implores.

In the park, Billy tells Ashley and Tucker that Jack and Diane are getting married at the courthouse today. The rush and lack of a prenup make him question everything else. He’s worried about Jabot. Relieved, Ashley gives Billy an impulsive hug. You see it! Jack’s an idiot.

Chelsea gets it – she had a hard time walking away from Adam – but you can’t force someone to stay with you. Kyle betrayed me by sleeping with another woman and I still want to be with him, Summer whines – how can he not love me back?

Lauren thinks that earning Jack and Kyle’s forgiveness will enable Phyllis to move on. Phyllis needs something to hold over Tucker’s head. Lauren agrees it’s a good idea to take precautions when it comes to Tucker.

Back on the patio, Summer’s pleased with the job Chelsea’s doing. We’ll see record growth at Marchetti. You’re stronger than you think, Chelsea’s supportive.

Kyle congratulates his parents and leaves them to agree that he’s being diligent about his new job and with his marriage ending, it might be hard for him to watch them exchange their vows.

Billy’s performance continues. He tells Ashley that this quickie, courthouse wedding is a big red flag.

Late meeting Audra at Society, Kyle’s sorry he might not be good company. How can I help? Audra asks. Cancel our meetings so we can be alone, he answers.

Nice to see you again, Chance runs into Summer in the park. She wishes everything could go back to the way it was before. Chance opines that sometimes the best way out is forward.

In her suite, Audra and Kyle tear one another’s clothes off. Trust me? she uses his tie as a blindfold and pushes him onto the bed.

Tucker’s an enigma – but Lauren adds that he cares about his son, grandson and Ashley. Phyllis is sure he has an agenda. Find his weak link, Lauren suggests. Phyllis is trying to do everything above board but might have to tap into ‘OG Phyllis’ one last time before she can start her new life.

Diane and Jack are in their wedding attire and ready to leave when Billy drops by the house to say that he baited the trap for Ashley and Tucker (who march into the house on cue) You’re welcome to join us, Jack invites. You’ve lost your mind, Ashley claims – thank God Billy agrees with me. Is that true? Jack pretends to be alarmed. You’re not making this easy, Billy tells Jack that if Diane loved him as much as she claims, she’d put an end to this right now.

My Thoughts: I just noticed how visible the restrooms are to Society’s diners. Gross … Sure, this wedding is being rushed but are we expected to believe that Diane has to paint her OWN nails? AND has to blow on them? Amazon sells nail dryers for $20. And wouldn’t it make more sense for her to transport her wedding dress to the courthouse in a garment back and change there? Also, weird that they didn’t just ask Kyle to officiate their nuptials (if I recall correctly, he got himself ordained online in order to perform Mariah and Tessa’s wedding)