Monday, June 26th, 2023

Summer’s fine – she just kept secrets. She did more than that – Mike shares Summer’s plan to find the EMT and have him testify that he saw Phyllis kill Stark in self defense. She also asked Victor to find the EMT. Will you represent me? Phyllis asks. Will you turn yourself in?? Mike asks.

Having a drink at the GCAC’s bar, Nick gets a call from Sharon. You can take me off your list of people to take care of tonight. Adam just stopped by, she adds, Nick can come over – it’s not like he has to go to work tomorrow. No need, Sharon will call if she needs anything. Adam comes through the revolving door. At the bar, he and Nick share a grim nod.

Both having a drink, Adam asks how Sally is. Nick gripes about him not giving her the space she asked him for – and going to see Sharon in hopes she’d fix his life for him. Adam fires back at Nick for putting Sharon before Sally. I was left to take ALL the blame.

Awakening to find herself alone in bed, Sally gets up to fetch the box of Ava’s tiny footprints and booties. She holds the trinkets close as she cries in bed.

Make me an offer I can’t refuse, Phyllis challenges. You’ll be with people who love you, Mike’s sure they can put this mess behind her (with Carson’s help) so she can be happy again. Whaddaya say?

Easing up, Nick’s glad that Adam was there for Sally. Adam’s not done being mad. How does it feel to be the hero? You came out of that sewer smelling like a rose. Nick told Sally she needs to find a way to forgive Adam – but it’s up to her. She’s decided that there’s nothing left between the two of you. Respect that and stay away from her. Thanks for the advice, a dejected Adam heads upstairs.

Once we get up from this table, the whole friend thing is dead, Summer declares. It was fun while it lasted, Chance quips. One reason he wants to find Phyllis is so that Summer can move on. You’re right, Summer thinks Chance may have helped her after all. We need to find my Mom. We’ll do it together – that’s what friends do.

Phyllis can’t turn herself in right now – don’t hate me. Never, Mike just wants her to come home – soon. One day, and what a grand day it’ll be, Phyllis sounds wistful. I’m going to see you again, aren’t I? Mike’s concerned. Work your magic and I’ll come back with bells on, Phyllis puts her sunglasses and black hat on. Mike watches her from his doorway.

My Thoughts: Mike was hilarious today. There’s really no need for him to cover up with a cushion – there’s nothing he’s hiding that Phyllis hasn’t seen before. But God help you both if Lauren walks in on that… If Nick was only going downstairs to drink at the bar, why wouldn’t he just stay with Sally for the night. He said he’d have to get home to Christian but doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to do so … If Sharon plans to sleep on the sofa, why wouldn’t she swap her jeans for something more comfortable? She certainly didn’t show Adam much sympathy. He didn’t get the advice of a therapist or the support of a friend. Sure, it doesn’t look like he’s showered in a week but give Adam a hug already. Speaking of – has Nick changed/showered since he ‘came out of the sewer smelling like a rose’? …. Of course Sharon doesn’t need help dealing with her killing someone – it’s as common as jaywalking. Who in GC hasn’t killed someone? … A Sharon, Chance, Summer love-triangle? Hell No!