Tuesday, June 20th, 2023

Nick continues to defend Adam. When you lost consciousness, he was left to make an impossible choice. He went with his first instinct – he loves you and will always put you first. Would you have saved Sharon over Faith? Sally asks. She knows he’d have saved Faith – would you have saved my little girl too? she weeps.

If you insist on pushing this through, don’t expect me to back you up, Nikki scolds on her way out. That leaves Vikki to apologize to Nate for her Mother’s rudeness. My brother needs to take time off and I want you more involved. Nate likes the sound of that.

Sharon knows it’ll take some time for Adam to get over his loss. Get over? My baby died because of me – my one pure bond with Sally. She hates me and I don’t blame her.

Vikki calls to ask how Nick’s doing – can you come by the office later? When Sally insists, Nick agrees – after he checks on Sharon and Faith. Adam loved that little girl as much as you did – I asked him to lookout for you – he was here every second. Nick hopes Sally can forgive him. You’ll heal faster. I love you, he then invites her to move in with him.

Running into Adam at CL’s, Nick suggests giving Sally some space to deal with her emotions. Both are stunned when Faith announces that she wants to go back to school. They reluctantly agree.

You’ll have a battle on your hands if Nick doesn’t want to leave, Nate warns Vikki. Well, she wants Nate at her side. He’ll come back after her meeting with Nick (with his ideas, that ARE for Newman Enterprises) Vikki likes that he’s always two steps ahead ~kiss~

Sally seemingly asleep, Adam explains his choice. You would choose the baby because you loved her. I chose you because I love you.

Clothes back on and the office door again open, Vikki mentions spotting Nate and Audra with their heads together last night. She didn’t want to interrupt. Audra’s a machine – non-stop business. Yes, Nate’s OK with her ambition. If Nate trusts her, Vikki will too. He leaves when Nick comes by and is soon skeptical of his sister’s concern for Sally. Vikki gets to it – she’d like Nick to take a leave of absence.

When Chance returns to CL’s, Sharon tells him that Faith’s going back to school. Adam was wrong to blame you for Cameron kidnapping Faith – she’s alive because of you ~hug~

Running into Nikki at Society, Nate’s smooth talk doesn’t win her over. She’s able to tell that he’s wasting no time replacing Nick – before he’s even gone.

Nate hopes he’s not overstepping. By hijacking my son’s position? Nikki knows Nate hasn’t always done what’s best for the company he works for. Nate claims to have learned from his mistakes – Victor respects and encourages his ambition. Proceed carefully, Nikki warns on her way out.

Adam wishes Sally would let him explain the unexplainable? I love you. I’ll never forgive myself for breaking your heart, he tears up and kisses her hand. After he leaves, Sally quietly sobs.

Nick doesn’t want time off work. Vikki thinks Sharon and Faith might need him. Sharon’s working and Faith’s going back to school. Nick appreciates the offer but no thank you. Vikki finally makes it clear that she isn’t asking – the decision’s been made. I need you to step away from your role as COO.