Monday, June 19th, 2023

Nick has a drink ready for Adam when he gets to Society. He explains why they had to induce labour. There was a complication. Elena said I had to choose – Sally or the baby. Can you imagine? Yes, Nick can. He’s glad Adam was there for Sally – thank you. I’m the last person she wants to see. She blames me for everything, Adam mopes. You did the right thing, Nick reiterates. Sally’s alive but Adam feels certain that she’ll never forgive him.

Adam vents a bit before saying Nick should go home – be with Sharon and Faith – they need you more than I do. Alright – both stand. Adam puts his hand out to shake hands. Nick hugs him instead. Adam cries on his brother’s shoulder.

Sally opens her gift. A card with her baby’s tiny feet ink prints on a white card. Ava Hope Spectra – they said that I could hold you but I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed in me. Please don’t hate me. She hugs the pink knitted baby booties and hat. I wasn’t alone anymore, she’s heartbroken – I had somebody to love – who’d love me.

Nick returns to tell Sharon and Faith that the baby didn’t make it. Sally’s OK – as OK as she can be. As Faith hugs her Dad, Sharon asks how Adam is. He has no one. God only knows how he’ll deal with it.

Back at Society, Adam opens a duplicate of Sally’s gift. He’s moping over the baby booties when Victor arrives to watch from the entrance.

Victor joins Adam – sorry for your loss. How’s Sally? She hates me but she’ll be fine, Adam wonders how a person’s supposed to bounce back from this? There’s something corrupt in me. Something genetic. What’s her name? Victor asks. Ava. Victor wishes he’d known her. When he went through something like this, Victor made the mistake of turning away from everyone. He encourages Adam to turn to the people who love him. Who the hell would that be? Adam scoffs – I’m alone. I have to get through this alone. No son you don’t, Victor corrects.

Nick declines sleeping in the guest room but would like to stick around a bit to talk to Sharon. He knows what it’s like to kill a man – you saved all our lives. What you did will haunt you until to face it and stare it down.

You have people in your life who’ve experienced loss, Victor will always be there for Adam – and for Sally and Connor. Adam appreciates his Dad trying but nothing matters anymore, he walks out.

Nick thinks Sharon needs to talk to someone – it doesn’t just go away. Nick got good advice from a friend once – she’s real smart, you’d like her. That animal had my daughter strapped with explosives. I killed him to save my child. Sharon wouldn’t change a thing. I feel alive – activated – like I’ve been asleep since Rey died. Now – I’m awake.

I was gonna be someone’s Mom. Sally holds a print of her baby’s tiny feet. I’ll always love you. I’ll never forget you. Oh God. I have to say goodbye. I’m gonna hold you. I’d like to see my baby now, she says into the intercom.