Friday, June 16th, 2023

As Chance cuts another wire, Faith notes that in the movies, it’s always the last wire that makes the bomb go off. Luckily Nick’s lame joke doesn’t make Faith laugh. Tell me something I can look forward to. Sally’s baby will be here soon, Nick reminds. After cutting the last wire, Chance announces ‘it’s done,’ and carefully removes the belt from Faith’s waist. The three Newmans hug. WE did it.

No, Chance won’t arrest Sharon – you killed Cameron in self defense. You did the right thing – you saved all of us, Nick adds. Thanking Chance, Nick, Sharon and Faith leave him to roll Cameron’s body over – I should leave you down here with the rats. Instead, he calls for back up to clean the crime scene.

Sally doesn’t believe that everything’s OK with Nick – you told me everything would be OK with the baby, she shrieks at Adam. Elena comes in to say she’s sorry for her loss. You’re in shock. After Adam steps out, Sally asks Elena what happened – was there nothing you could do to save my baby???

Faith, her parents and Victor are back at Sharon’s – all are relieved and safe. Victor kisses Faith on the forehead before excusing himself to call Nikki. Declining food, Faith just wants her parents to sit with her. I love you both so much. She and Nick are both worried about Sharon (after what she had to do tonight)

Burning the midnight oil in the corporate suite? Audra’s drinking wine at the bar when Nate comes down. That’s none of her business but apparently Nick dealing with Sharon’s psycho ex is. Vikki’s going to insists he take some time off, Nate concludes. Audra suggests Nate might feel conflicted about not his big chance at Newman being the result of Nick’s ‘troubles’.

Elena tells Sally to expect an emotional roller coaster – your hormones are plummeting – accept all the support you can get. Sally has one question – what did I do wrong? It’s not your fault, Elena reassures – there’s nothing you could have done differently and we did everything we could. Adam had to make a choice. Choice? Yes, to save you or the baby. Sally’s stunned.

An exhausted Faith just wants to go lay down. Victor comes in to relay Nikki’s love and hug Faith before she goes upstairs with her Mom. Nick and Victor are glad Sharon got rid of that sonofabitch (though Nick again worries about the toll it’ll take on her) On his way out, Victor remembers that Adam was trying to reach Nick.

In the hallway, Adam answers his phone – Where the hell have you been!? How’s Faith and Sharon? he then asks. Everyone’s safe – Cameron’s gone, Nick reports -why’d you call?

Nate feels bad for Nick – we were friends until he got it into his head that I want his job. You taking his place right now won’t help, Audra points out. Nate will step up if Vikki needs him. And Audra will step up for Nate. You can count on me, she’s ready to take over Newman Media. Nate’s patting her arm when Vikki comes downstairs to frown at them.

Sally’s OK but there’s been a development – can you get away now? Adam asks. Nick hedges – he hates leaving Faith and Sharon. We’re at the hospital, Adam adds as Sharon comes down to tell Nick that he should got to Sally – she and Faith will be fine. OK, Nick tells Adam that he’s on his way.

Elena comes out to ask Adam how he’s doing. It doesn’t seem real to him. You had to make a tough decision, Elena vows to be there for both of them. Rejoining Sally, Adam reassures her that Nick will be here soon. How could you let our baby die? Sally’s voice is cold fury.