When Lucy brings up Lily, Daniel chides her for playing matchmaker. Yes, he and Lily were more than friends once but he wouldn’t risk that friendship. Lucy hates the thought of her Dad being alone and hopes he doesn’t push Lily away.
Excusing herself to take a call from Mariah, Sharon leaves Adam to calm Sally down (she’s wondering where Nick could be) We’ll meet him at the doctors’ and not start without him. Everything will work out as it’s meant to, he smiles reassuringly.
Victor bellows at Nick – it’s embarrassing; that woman couldn’t hold onto Adam so latched onto you. Don’t you realize what this looks like to people!?
Continuing to reconnect, Devon and Lily talk about Daniel. She’s worried about him.
Victor rants about Adam being kept out of the company and thinks Nick should bow out and let Adam and Sally raise this baby (much to Nikki’s surprise)
Still at CL’s, Adam and Sally joke about baby names. The Newman name comes with it’s own history. Adam hopes this baby breathes new life into it.
Though Lucy would like to stay another day, it’s time to get her to the airport. No, Lucy’s not too old to hold her Dad’s hand. Hand in hand, they leave the patio.
Having heard the tail end of Adam’s conversation with Sharon, Sally wonders if he prefers a girl or a boy. He has no preference. He or she will be loved. Sally now realizes that she needn’t have stressed over whether Nick or Adam was the father – either way, this child was destined to be loved.
Your father and I have strong opinions about Sally. Victor huffs and puffs about Nick disrespecting him, and Adam. You saw him and Sally flirting yesterday and inserted yourself between them. That’s not what happened but Nick can’t give Adam an inch. Victor’s been trying to integrate that boy into the family for years – you and your sister have done nothing but throw obstacles in his way. Victor’s sick of it! On his way out, Nick orders Victor to leave Sally alone – she doesn’t deserve this.
Back at his suite at the GCAC, Daniel opens, then shuts his laptop. His moping is interrupted by a knock at the door. Lily asks if he’s OK, and gives him a hug.
Ester tells Devon that he just missed Lily. Declining some lunch brought back from the ‘food court’, she reminisces about Mrs. C learning sign language to communicate with Devon. She and Neil are looking down and smiling. Ester and Devon exchange ‘I love you’s and a hug.
Meanwhile, Daniel confides to Lily that he’s never felt so alone (with his Dad and Lucy gone) He promised his daughter he’d take care of himself. He’s embarrassed to hear that Lucy sent Lily a text from the airport. That’s not embarrassing – she loves you. You’re not alone, she gives him a kiss that becomes increasingly passionate.
Nikki warns Victor that if he continues to be critical, Sally, Nick and Adam could come together and block him from seeing his grandchild. She knows that would kill him (regardless of how he feels about Sally) ~hug~
Sally decides they should probably go – she’ll text Nick and have him meet them at the doctor’s office. On cue, he arrives. You just made it – that’s great, Adam forces a smile. Nick has it from here – meet you there. Sharon watches an obviously hurt Adam follow them out.