Friday, April 14th, 2023

Obediently sitting with his Dad, Adam’s told that he’s making a terrible mistake with Sally Spectra – she’s with your brother – move on.

As they enter her suite, Sally blathers on about Aria. Nick’s had a brutal day. As Sally hugs him, he looks depressed.

Dodging Jeremy like he’s exhaling garlic cloves, Phyllis wants to focus on taking Diane down. We’re husband an wife now – you belong to me. When she makes a run for the door, he catches her easily – where the hell do you think you’re going?

McCall Unlimited is waiting for you, Victor thinks Adam sounds like a lovestruck teenager – come to your senses. You don’t know, do you? Adam takes pleasure in informing his Dad that he’s been left out of the loop – Sally’s having my baby and I’m in love with her.

Nick updates Sally on his rough day – on top of it all, his sister’s setting herself up for trouble and won’t listen to his warnings. You always look after me – let me look after you for once, Sally offers. Nick loves taking care of her.

Jack accosts Chris at Society for recommendations on a good lawyer – but can’t give them any info on the case against Diane. Chris packs her stuff up in a hurry. Her hands are tied.

Diane’s the reason my Mom’s dead, Summer’s sure. Chance can’t discuss the investigation and hates to see her like this – let me drive you home. Kyle appears – I think you’ve done enough for now.

Jeremy can indeed stop Phyllis from going to see her kids. He’ll put her in a shallow grave. You’re already dead. Killing you would be a victimless crime. He grabs a pair of scissors and advances menacingly. You don’t have to do that, please no, Phyllis runs into the bathroom screaming ‘Noooooooooo’.

Nick wants to talk about something more fun. He can’t wait for tomorrow’s doctor’s appointment to see whether the baby’s a boy or girl. Sally’s excited for him to be there but it won’t just be the two of us, I invited Adam to join us. Nick rolls his eyes and forces a smile.

Victor suspects Sally’s lying – why hasn’t she told your brother about this? She has, Adam informs; Nick knows. Victor’s ‘pissed off’ – what’s gotten into you? Where’s your purpose? Your sense of direction? Adam’s purpose and sense of direction is in Sally’s womb (my words, not his)

Kyle had a feeling he’d find Summer here. Chance thinks it a good idea for him to get her home. Kyle just came from vising his Mother in jail. He lashes out – don’t fill Summer’s head with your accusations and planted evidence. Summer jumps up – let’s just go home. Kyle warns Chance to stay away from his wife or he’ll find a way to make him pay.

Good night and good luck, Chris leaves a frustrated Jack to call Mike. You’re Diane’s last chance. Is there anything I can do to change your mind? Diane needs you. My family needs you, he pleads.

There’s a body neatly wrapped up in a shower curtain; beside it, bloodied scissors. Splattered with blood, Phyllis picks up the scissors and uses a towel to ineffectively clean up. Checking to make sure the coast is clear, she struggles to drag Jeremy’s body out of room 158.

My Thoughts: OK – this is from yesterday, but can we all agree that Aria is definitely not even close to being a newborn. Otherwise the uber-protective Mariah would be screaming at Sharon to ‘support her head!!!!’ Sally’s going to be very surprised when she gives birth to a fragile, little jellyfish … Kyle’s so entitled and obnoxious. Instead of threatening GC’s one and only detective, he should be appreciating the fact that law enforcement has absolutely no interest whatsoever in charging Diane with crimes connected to her faking her death, even if it’s only fraud for creating a fake identity or assuming someone else’s…. I wonder who’s running Marchetti/Jabot while its executive team is focused on it’s PR person being behind bars. Is Billy running the show? …. Where’s all the paparazzi who were snapping photos on the gala’s red carpet? Leanna Love was all up in everyone’s business trying to sniff out a story and even watched Phyllis and then Diane go upstairs at the GCAC … Why weren’t Ally and Noah at Phyllis’ service? And Amanda was able to come back to represent Lily vs. Devon but not for her BFF’s service?… Really? Jack can’t retain a lawyer because he’s been given no details of the case against Diane? He told Stark to name his price. No lawyer would turn that offer down …Phyllis has really painted herself into a corner and I don’t see where they can take the character from here. If she’d just left Jeremy’s blood body in the bathroom and screamed until someone came, she could blame it all on him and claim that he drugged her with hallucinates so she can’t even remember marrying Jeremy or being at the gala.