Daniel gives Chelsea the OK to proceed with her ideas. Lily’s ‘stepped’ away – the Newmans dedicated this lounge to Neil. Daniel wanted to give her some space. Billy’s glad Lily has someone who’s sensitive to her feelings.
His mask on, Jeremy pulls something from his sock and heads into the party.
Summer’s relieved when the nanny reports that Harrison isn’t missing, his toy ‘Zippy’ is. She and Kyle go outside to ‘brainstorm’. Sorry, Kyle doesn’t realize the man masked man he plows into is Jeremy.
Tucker would like to sell his company to Devon. Vikki wants to know what Ashley’s angle is. She’s frustrated to get nowhere. Ashley and Tucker mock her then go to refill their drinks. Victor joins Vikki to ask what that was about.
At the bar, Nate tells Elena that the lounge has been dedicated to Neil – perhaps this will bring Devon and Lily together again.
Devon tells Lily that Victor convinced Jill to cancel the IPO. He’s always cared about you, she’s not surprised. Why can’t they work together again? Nate and Billy are gone – we can run our own operations as we see fit; be the family business we dreamed of. Say yes, she implores.
Jeremy watches Jack and Diane dance. As the Baldwins are challenging them to a dance-off. They go over to do just that. Lame moves are in motion as Jeremy bumps into Jack. Both he and Diane wonder if that was him.
Mike asks Chris how the arbitration is going. She can’t say much but is thinking of going back to her old job as DA. I need a change.
Ester arrives to scan the crowd through her mask. Leanna didn’t recognize her without her feather duster. She then goes to sniff out a story – perhaps about Devon and Lily.
Diane stops Jack from confronting Jeremy – let’s announce our engagement instead. Jack agrees – after he talks to security. Stay here – I’ll come back and find you. Diane immediately bumps into Phyllis. There you are, she pulls down her mask to scowl.
Victor’s sure that Tucker’s playing them. Adam comes along to interrupt his Dad and Vikki (she doesn’t agree that they’re all working towards a common goal) You’ll never be CEO, she warns.
Elena’s pleased that Nate’s become a better person (then is annoyed that he’s more interested in whatever the Newmans are discussing) I’m going to mingle, she bolts.
At the bar, Tucker’s sure things will work out as they should. How can the world deny us. Jill comes along to scold Tucker – how dare you plant a mole in my company? Tucker’s sorry. Sorry you got busted, Jill huffs. You’ve only made Chancellor Winters stronger!
Devon can’t see himself working with Lily (because she went out of her way to hurt him) She’s sorry she lashed out. I shouldn’t have hired Amanda. Devon admits he should have been honest about the merger. Lily knows they can get past this – we’ve been through so much together. Hilary and Dad dying, this can’t be the thing that breaks us, she cries.
Phyllis didn’t mean to scare Diane. Kyle’s sick; sweating and glassy-eyed. I have a suite upstairs. He and Summer are up there. Come with me.
Sharon shows off pictures on her phone to Chris and Nikki (who welcomes her to the world of grandparents)
Jill chats with Billy and Chelsea. How much trouble am I in? he quips. She’s not happy to have found out about his break up with Lily from Ester. Sorry for being so hard on you when you left CW. Billy appreciates the vote of confidence. You’re an outstanding father, Jill surprises her son. She just unloaded all her negativity on Tucker. After his Mom moves on, Chelsea laughs about Billy saying they’re ‘pals’.
Why hasn’t Kyle called a doctor? That’s why Phyllis wants her to come upstairs. Diane sends Kyle a text – let’s see what he has to say. Jeremy looks suspicious as he smirks at the phone in his hand (reading Diane’s text)
Phyllis isn’t surprised that Kyle doesn’t reply. She has no intention of kidnapping Diane. Go – it’s suite 567. Diane marches off.
Victor wishes his kids would stop fighting – we could rule the damn world, he walks off. Vikki rejoins Nate – did you and Elena get caught up? Yes – Nate implies that everything’s OK between them.
Elena tells Audra that her idea to interview JT for her podcast isn’t bad.
Outside, Devon tears up as he talks about Neil. Both hate what’s happened between them. Can we find our way back? Lily pleads. Yes, Devon will drop the lawsuit ~hug~ Both apologize.
Summer and Kyle come back to the lounge to celebrate Zippy being found. Daniel asks Summer when she last saw Mom. Both had a weird talk with her and are worried.
Leanna watches Diane run upstairs, followed by Phyllis. Her journalistic spidey senses are tingling.