Friday, February 3rd, 2023

Still in bed, Sally’s told Nick that his brother might be the father of her baby. Nick already suspected.

Tucker runs into Adam at CL’s – coffee?

Over videochat, Jill’s disappointed that Lily seems to be siding with her egocentric brother. It’s the Devon Show – his company, his Father vs. all the documents he signed. What hurts Lily the most is that she failed to keep the family united within the company.

Daniel takes a seat beside Devon at Society’s bar to whine about his project being in limbo. Yes, he does blame Devon for that.

Mariah and Tessa are having a late night walk in the park – discussing the daughter who will soon change their lives forever.

Jill knows all about professional regrets. Her complicated history with John and Jack resulted in bad decisions. She has no doubt that Lily will lead the company to new heights after it goes public. Devon’s the one who should be worried – he can’t just change his minds. We offered him a lucrative buyout – he has no legal standing. There’s only one way this will end.

Devon admits that he’s probably responsible for Daniel’s platform being on hold. Another company will fund it if Chancellor doesn’t. But Daniel wanted to work with Devon and Lily. You wanted to work with Lily, Devon corrects.

Still in the park, Mariah and Tessa are making their baby-list. We almost have everything we need. Nope – there’s one more thing, Tessa really hopes they see eye to eye on this one.

Adam jokes – GC’s villains get their just desserts. Tucker thinks them alike. Men of subterfuge, lies. Here we are alone. I was an arrogant sonofabitch and I lost big time, he admits.

You’re running the show, Nick’s happy to take Sally’s lead. She couldn’t look in the mirror until she was honest. They wonder if Adam suspects – he observed you haven’t been yourself. Fate wouldn’t be that cruel, both hope. What to do? Strap in and see where the ride takes us, Nick hops out of bed. You’re just leaving? Sally’s surprised.

Nick’s not angry, he has to get home to Christian. This doesn’t change how he feels about Sally. Don’t worry – get some rest, he tucks her in and gives her a kiss.

Tessa pressures Mariah to give the baby a name. Let’s get to work, they huddle over Tessa’s phone.

Daniel declines Devon’s offer to buy his drink. Devon didn’t mean anything by stating that Daniel wanted to work with Lily – you’re only hearing her side of things. She’s going through hell – why would you want to hurt her this way. No, he doesn’t know the details, but he knows Lily’s heart – and you’re breaking it.