Billy and Lily place a call to Jill; who’s pissed off that Lily’s family could be the downfall of her company. She’s kicking herself for putting her in charge and doesn’t understand how they worked with Nate day in and day out. How in the hell did you let this happen?
Billy defends Lily – she’s balancing the company and her family. Lily appreciates his effort but she’s the CEO and there’s no excuses.
Adam explains to Connor that his Mom gave Johnny up because she loved him. Why didn’t she just give me to Aunt Victoria too? Connor’s upset. Adam wouldn’t allow Connor to be raised by someone else. Your Mother and I love you. I’ll always be here for you to talk to, anytime. Secrets cause harm, he explains – Mom told you this secret so it wouldn’t harm you down the road. Chelsea listens from the patio.
Telling Nick that Connor was at CL’s by himself, Sally blames herself for Adam being late and Connor blames me too. How do I know? He told me.
Nate had other job offers. Oh yeah? From Ashland Locke? Devon scoffs. And he had a track record before he inherited a billion dollars. All Nate had to do was respect him and take a second to learn the ropes. What hurts more than anything is Nate trying to destroy what he and Neil built together. You want to talk about what I took from you? That’s what YOU tried to take from ME.
Nate continues to whine about Devon not listening to his ideas. It’s not your and Neil’s business anymore. You can’t get past the partnership you had with your Father, Nate realizes.
Lily believed Nate’s apology was sincere – she takes full responsibility. He’s been fired, the IPO is off. No permanent damage has been done – yet, she tells Jill.
Connor hoped I was back with his Dad so he’d smile again, Sally knows Adam got drunk last night because she rejected him. He’s a grown man, Nick states the obvious. Yes, but Sally hates to see him suffer while her life and career’s going so well.
As Connor continues to whine, Chelsea appears with his backpack. He flinches from her touch then obediently goes to pick out a pastry. How much did Chelsea hear? Enough – my son doesn’t think he’s good enough for me. I’ll make this right, she vows.
Adam thinks they should consult a professional, get an outside opinion – for Connor. Chelsea agrees – I failed miserably.
Jill appreciates Lily taking responsibility and her problem-solving attitude. Getting a text from Vikki, Billy’s sent to meet her and the kids at the park. Jill then asks Lily what she meant that no damage has been done ‘yet’.
Nick can see that Sally has some emotions to get through. Near tears, she thought she was over Adam. She loves spending time with Nick, but … He doesn’t want to make things harder for her, for Adam or himself. He knows his brother is heartbroken and regrets pushing the woman he loves out of his life.
Whatever you need, I’m here, Adam denies he’s judging Chelsea. Connor wants his Dad to take him to the ranch and declines his Mom’s offer to get him a treat for the ride home. Chelsea’s left to feel sad about her son’s lackluster ‘I love you’.
In the park, Connor’s words echo in Chelsea’s head. Billy happens by – how are you doing? Chelsea WILL stay strong. He’s pulling for her but can you leave before Vikki and the kids get here? Chelsea bolts.
Nick tells Sally that if she’s conflicted he needs to step away. We have a lot of chemistry but it’s not enough. Sally agrees that she needs to figure out what she wants.
Lily’s worried about Tucker – he claims he’s in town to meet Dominic and make amends with Ashley. Jill wants to go ahead with the IPO – we just need to find out who the business predator is.
Letting someone else shine isn’t betraying your Father – Neil would want you to move on. Devon doesn’t need to hear what Nate thinks his Father would feel – he’d never forgive you if he were alive, Devon slams out.