Wednesday, October 12th, 2022

Arriving at Jabot, Ashley’s not happy to run into Tucker – stay the hell away from me! she marches off to take a call.

Sally’s been open with Nick – that she’s still dealing with her break up with Adam. He’s giving me space and not pressuring me. That’s what it’s like to date an emotionally grown-up, Chloe thinks Nick a rare find. It’s so easy with him, Sally wants to focus on him this weekend.

Ashley doesn’t need Tucker’s validation. He thinks her ‘indifference’ a facade – a love like ours never dies. It’s easy when you repeatedly cheated and tried to steal my family’s company, Ashley doesn’t believe he’s changed. Tucker wants to show her – just one dinner, he pleads.

Nate won’t reveal the CEO’s identity – I didn’t say it was Tucker. You didn’t have to! Devon pauses at the door to bark – you’re fired! When Nate admits that he shared enough info that his co-conspirator has arranged financing and is ready to swoop in, Audra goes to stall the paperwork. Lily lets Nate know how disappointed she is that he’d let their company be taken over – why? Why?

Nate threw himself into this job but Devon shut down all of his ideas. So, when another opportunity presented itself, he set things in motion – to be heard and respected. When Lily calmly tells him to get out, Nate leaves her with Billy.

Chloe comes into the office with an envelope delivered by courier. Opening it, Sally smiles – it’s an invitation to dinner tonight, on TGP rooftop, signed ‘N’.

Just hear me out over wine, in your daughter’s restaurant (where I’ll be one wrong move away from being kicked out) Fine – but then Ashley wants to be left alone.

Thank God I caught you before you left for Baltimore! Nate races into the penthouse to tell Elena that he confessed everything he’s done (but not the CEO he partnered with) I did it for you.

Audra’s back to ask if the IPO is off or on hold. She looks guilty as Lily decides to discuss it with Devon. Billy also wants to know who Nate was feedng info to.

Devon marches into Tucker’s suite to ask if he came back to town to go after Chancellor Winters.

Ashley’s seated with a glass of wine at Society – impatiently waiting for Tucker.

When Nick stops by the office to see Sally, Chloe tells him that she already left for their romantic dinner on TGP rooftop. Nick looks puzzled.

Finding a table nicely decorated and a bottle of champagne, Sally pours herself a drink. She’s surprised when Adam appears – glad you could make it.