Tuesday, September 6th, 2022

Adam’s just concerned about Chelsea and trying to empathize. She refuses to go to therapy and just wants some time alone with Connor. Her trip rejected, Chelsea blames Adam for her mental state – she wishes she never met him. Adam’s left to spot Sally.

Adam tells Sally that he’s concerned about Chelsea – and Connor (who she wanted to take on a trip)

Asking if Chelsea’s OK, Abby gets an earful. No I’m not OK. Listing the many reasons why that is, Chelsea just needs everyone to shut up.

Jack knows that Billy isn’t cut out for corporate life – you get bored and self-sabotage. You can’t run away from your history. Lily needs me to be her COO, Billy vows to do a good job. What about what YOU need? Jack asks if working at CW is really Billy’s dream job.

Billy’s dream job is professional gambler; betting on football and horses. He’s outraged that Jack all but says he wouldn’t hire him because of his history – and yet you hired Adam. Jack will ALWAYS be on Billy’s side.

Sally gets where Chelsea’s coming from and feels bad – she knows what it’s like to feel alone and dispondent. Too bad if Adam doesn’t want to hear it. See you around.

I haven’t been feeling myself these days, Chelsea apologizes for her outburst. Abby’s had a few of her own recently. Done ranting about Adam, Chelsea gulps down her drink and orders another.

Greeting Chance with a kiss, Abby asks him to drive Chelsea home. She’s not drunk but shouldn’t drive. Just don’t ask her if she’s OK.

At the office, Chloe yet again warns Sally about Adam. Long after it ends he can still ruin your life.

So ‘lightheaded’ she can barely walk, Chelsea accepts Chance’s offer of a drive home. ‘Thank you’, Abby silently mouths from behind the bar.

Chloe’s just trying to protect Sally (who won’t waste any more time talking about Adam) Let’s get to work so we can get back to our ….. Families? Sally guesses she should be sad things ended with Adam – so she doesn’t one day end up shouting at him in a park. Adam is, of course, listening.

At TGP, Chance and Chelsea bond over people making assumptions. You can trust me, he assures – home is where your kids are. Chelsea agrees – you really are my superhero guru.

Billy’s not jealous of Jack hiring Adam and he doesn’t need Jack analyzing/berating him. Would you be so angry if what I said wasn’t true? Fed up, Billy leaves.