In the park, Abby needs to talk about Ashland’s car accident; she knows Chance is keeping something from her. Nikki was acting weird yesterday, Nick and Vikki haven’t said a word – and Dad’s unreachable. The only one willing to talk to her about it is Adam. At a ‘crossroads’, Chance will share some confidential info. It involves your Dad and it won’t be easy for you to hear.
Adam’s at Newman Media on a fact-finding mission, hoping to find out what trouble his Father’s got the family into. Sally hasn’t heard anything about Victor being involved in Ashland’s accident. You’re on his side now? Adam balks. There’s no sides – just the truth. Adam knows he hurt Sally – but you should be grateful you got to keep the job. He’ll even pay for her intel. Sally doesn’t want money, she wants Adam to admit that he broke up with her so she’d keep the job – ‘and that you still love me’.
This is ludicrous, Adam snorts – why not just write a note asking if I like you with a box to check yes or no? Sally calls out to her non-existent receptionist for paper with hearts on it. That was funny and cute. Chuckling, Adam seems to agree. I thought we got rid of you, Chloe barges in to remind Adam that he doesn’t work there anymore. I’ll be in touch, Adam exits through the door Chloe holds open. What the hell was that? Sally asks. Chloe could ask the same thing. Don’t choose Adam over success, she warns.
Back in the park, Abby’s shocked. You think that Nick killed Ashland and my Dad staged the accident to protect him? And now Nick and Vikki are protecting him? Do you have any proof? What will you do? Chance confides that Vikki asked him to drop the investigation but he can’t let a criminal walk away. He desperately needs to know what Abby’s thinking.
Victor was indeed expecting a visit from Nick and Vikki. He had an interesting talk with Nikki last night. She told him about Ashland’s body being moved and the car accident staged. Only a few people knew and HE certainly didn’t want Nikki to know about it.
Your Mom understands why I did what I did, Victor wanted to keep them all in the dark. Nick shouldn’t have told his sister and Vikki shouldn’t have told her Mom. Now you’re all in danger. Instead of consulting us, you acted alone, Nick gripes. Victor thinks they should show him some appreciation instead of attacking him.
Abby thanks Chance for confiding in her. Ashland wreaked havoc on my sister, on this whole town. She doesn’t condone what her Father did but we’ve all suffered enough. No, she won’t ask Chance to close the case but if you look inside yourself you’ll know what to do. It has to be your call. Chance loves Abby so much. You’re right, it’s my decision ~kiss~ Adam lurks and after Abby leaves, he joins Chance. Fine, don’t answer any questions, Adam has an interesting offer.
Sally explains that she was going to give Adam info in exchange for him being truthful about why he broke up with her. She’s not looking to get back together with Adam. You’re willing to break Nick’s confidence? Chloe disapproves. No, Sally plans to lie to Adam; say she doesn’t know anything. Chloe thinks that a bad idea – Adam will make it his life’s mission to make you regret it.
Adam wouldn’t react like that, Sally’s sure. You’re right, it’d be worse, Chloe knows Adam always reverts to who he is. Unless you’ve experienced him at his worst you’ll never grasp what he’s capable of. Forget him altogether.
No one’s attacking you Dad, Vikki just wants to make sure they’re all on the same page. Nick is sure Chance won’t drop the investigation. He knows what happened. What should we do? Nothing – present a united front, Victor expects that Chance will move on, we’ll move on.
Adam guesses Chance is suspicious of Victor. You’re in a tough spot – family on one side – need to prove the truth on the other. My Father’s too good at covering things up but I know all his tricks. Let me in and I can help you. You need someone on the inside.