Friday, April 29th, 2022

Give Diane Jenkins the benefit of the doubt!?!!! Phyllis is gobsmacked. That’s a hard NO!! Hell no!! (maybe flashing my cleavage will help) It does not. Jack gives Diane credit for connecting him with Ally. Maybe she and Kyle can become as close as he was with Dina. All that bad stuff is in the past. Diane’s a changed woman, he believes.

Phyllis is furious. I’m supposed to think Diane is less of a sociopath than she was before? PRESENT DAY DIANE could have told you about Ally in a hundred other ways! Her plan was to connect you with Ally so you’d feel obligated to reconnect her with Kyle. Jack throws out the ole ‘some would say the same about you’ (which never goes well) Phyllis is PISSED! No one would say the same about me because I didn’t fake my own death; possibly letting someone (Nikki) go down for it! Diane. Has. Not. Changed. Acknowledging that Phyllis is likely right, Jack promises to keep his guard up.

Kyle scoffs – this new and improved version of yourself lured my Dad to LA, manipulated Ally; you’re secretive and deceitful. Diane brought them together as a gesture of good will. If I contacted Jack directly, he’d have shot me down. You could have just called me, Kyle says calmly. Diane couldn’t just ambush him – it was better for Jack to break the news and let Kyle decide. Why come forward now? Diane wasn’t ready then. It took a long time to hit rock bottom. She went to therapy to ‘rebuild myself to be someone worthy of being your Mother’. I destroyed our beautiful life in Toronto; Diane’s ashamed of who she was. But I’ve evolved. I’ll never be that woman who hurt you so badly. She didn’t reach out to Kyle because she’d only be a negative force in his life. Kyle swipes away an imaginary tear.

What do you want from me? Forgiveness? A place in my life? Kyle doubts he’s capable of giving his Mother that. Happier than he’s ever been, Kyle won’t risk inflicting his Mother’s chaos on his perfect life with Summer and Harrison. He will NOT sacrifice their happiness. Diane hopes Kyle can contemplate forgiveness.

Chance tells Abby that her Father reminded him of what he has to be grateful for. It’s nice having people in my corner, who care about me. Victor comes down to further ingratiate himself to Chance. He won’t hear of Abby walking him to the door – stay with your husband. ‘Be cool brother’, he calls out to Chance (be cool brother!?) How he and Abby manage to hug without bursting into laughter, I’ll never know.

Diane hoped Kyle could find it in his heart to forgive her. She kept her promise to be straightforward and share what was on her heart. You’re overwhelmed, she can tell so will leave. Diane appreciates Kyle’s time. Perhaps we can meet again? Maybe – Kyle can’t commit right now. Jack and Phyllis come back to the house – and watch as Diane thanks Kyle for graciously hearing her out. It means everything to me. Saying nothing as Diane leaves, Jack and Phyllis glare at the back of Kyle’s head. Slumped on the couch, Kyle looks dazed and confused. And exhausted.

Chance just wants Abby to know that she doesn’t need to be scared or check on him all the time. I’m not going to fall apart this time, or get lost in this sorrow. He’ll miss his friend but it won’t be like before. I’m stronger – I’ll be the Father and husband you deserve. I’m lucky to have you and Dom. We’ll embrace every day ~kiss~

Jack tells Kyle that Traci’s taken Harrison out. You’re exhausted. I won’t press for details; there’s no need to tell me anything. I need to get outta here, Kyle announces – he just needs some time to process and will tell his Dad everything once he’s recovered. If you need me, I’m here, Jack says solemnly. I know Dad – Kyle leaves Phyllis to drape herself around Jack (a show of support I suppose)

Entering her suite, Diane gasps in horror and does a little tap dance. ‘We meet again’ Victor’s sitting on the couch. His legs are crossed. His arms are crossed. He is, say it with me – CROSS!