Friday, December 3rd, 2021

Ashland wants to put all this tension aside. Vikki’s forgiven me for my past; Nick not so much. He will never think it’s OK (like the rest of the family) If you ever hurt Vikki, you will have an enemy in me for life. On cue, Vikki appears in the doorway.

Noah doesn’t want to do more work for Newman Media. Adam respects that and appreciates that Noah will think about it. They even manage to share a chuckle.

Sally’s an expert on being a pariah. Billy’s taken it to new heights, or depths. Sally believes he has a good heart. No need for her to eat her take out here – see you. Billy’s left hoping she runs back to tell Adam about the pathetic state he’s in.

Sally chats with Noah in Adam’s office. She loves the branding he did for Newman Media – maybe you can do some work for the fashion line. After Noah leaves, Adam comments that she came on a little strong. Wasting no time, she relays how depressed Billy is. Adam finds that interesting.

Returning to the condo, Billy finds Lily overwhelmed with learning her new role at Chancellor Industries. Have I made a huge mistake?

All dressed up, Abby hands Dominic over to his Dad while she grabs a bottle. You’ve got the magic touch, like Devon. He’s been there for me and our son.

Why would you assume my husband’s out to get me? Why do you refuse to give Ashland a chance to prove he’s worthy of my love and trust. Vikki drops the bombshell and hopes both men will put their issues aside for Chance’s party.

Vikki’s sorry that Nick and Phyllis broke up – but maybe it’s time to stop blaming everyone else and consider that YOU might be the cause.

Adam wouldn’t feel much sympathy for Billy. When he answers Chelsea’s video call in hopes of putting her off, Chelsea huffs – sure, let me know when it’s convenient to discuss our son. And, she hung up on me. Call her back, Sally suggests – see you soon.

Billy’s not used to seeing Lily in self-doubt. Take a breath – you’re the most successful thing to come out of ChanceCom. You’re qualified. Jill believes in you. You’re going to be great, Billy couldn’t be prouder of Lily.

Chance can face anything with Abby at his side (but looks nervous as she hugs him)

NIck’s not wrong about the things I’ve done, Ashland’s impressed by the love between Vikki and her brother. Yes, he’s up for an evening with her family.

We make a great team, Lily asks Billy if he’s dropped the idea he mentioned earlier. It’s still in the brainstorming stage – he laid a bit of groundwork.

The Locke’s join Nikki and Victor at TGP – Nick knows but he might not be coming. Abby and Chance walk in to applause. Phyllis watches in the background.