Tuesday, October 19th, 2021

The Lockes and the Newmans are having a nice chat about Leslie Brooks catching the bouquet – good job it wasn’t tossed anywhere near Sally, Nikki jokes. Bidding everyone goodbye, Noah takes Nikki aside to say that his Dad’s leaving with him and only wants to say goodbye to her. I’ll be right back, Nikki runs out.

Let into Nick’s room, Nikki hates to see this rift in the family and scolds her son for leaving without saying goodbye to everyone else. Nick just wants Vikki to have nothing but good memories of her wedding trip. And your Father? Nick’s at the end of his rope with him. Yes, we’ve been through much worse than this but I’m not the one you need to convince.

Nope, nothing. Neither Lily or Billy can find Gaines’s video online. She’s glad they didn’t publish it. You could damage the relationship with the Mother of your children. Giving her a quick kiss, Billy goes for a walk.

When Nick and Noah come downstairs, Sally wonders where Phyllis is. She’s flying home separately. Adam comes in to also wish them ‘safe travels’. Victor comes in to ask for a word with Nick – alone.

Lauren and Mike still have no drinks or food in front of them at Society. Sally’s been nothing but trouble since she came to town! Lauren rails. Mike doesn’t think anyone at this table has a right to throw stones. Chloe had no idea that Vikki was going to wear the dress but isn’t sorry that her doing so will make Newman Media a household name (while Fenmore’s already is) Sally and I needed this. Chloe is sorry she didn’t tell Lauren. You should be! Lauren clip-clops out and all but snaps her fingers for Mike to follow. I really blew it with Lauren, Chloe’s left to state the obvious.

Walking back upstairs, Phyllis assures Jack that things are fine between her and Nick. Missing Kyle, Summer and Harrison already, he’s glad for the company on the flight home.

As Billy hovers on the terrace, Nick makes it clear to his Father that he doesn’t want to speak to him. After he and Noah leave, Adam asks Sally to excuse them so he can have a word with his Father. ‘Of course’, she goes onto the patio.

Victor tells Adam that they’re launching a full-scale attack on ChanceComm – we will crush them and pick up the pieces. Adam wonders if Victor’s thought of the ramifications. Ashland is now a member of this family and Victor will protect him. If Adam’s part of this family, he must be in on this attack. You can count on me 100%, Adam leaves. Outside, Billy actually looks concerned.

Chloe calls Sally – yes, she got the photos Sally sent (but has already seen Vikki in the gown all over the internet) It was an amazing score for you and the platform. But that’s not why Chloe called her. Sally has to go catch her flight. The call ended, Chloe admits to Kevin that she chickened out (by not telling Sally that Lauren’s out for blood)

Lauren enters CL’s ranting ‘n raving about Sally – and don’t even get me started on Chloe. Mike doesn’t think rehashing it over and over is doing her any good. When he Mike defends Chloe, Lauren knows she’ll eventually forgive her; Sally’s the real problem. She won’t stop until somebody does something.

Adam’s flashing back to almost making out with Sally when she appears. Yes, she’s ready to go home. Reminded of her success, she says it’s just the beginning.

Phyllis is packing when Nick surprises her by coming back for a proper goodbye. Don’t overthink this – he just needs a couple of days. Yes, then we can go back to being a happy couple. With a kiss on the cheek and a hug, Nick leaves her looking sad. Passing by her room, Jack sees Phyllis moping.

Still in her nightgown, Lily’s packing. Billy reports having heard Victor and Adam planning an all-out war with ChanceCom. They plan to throw the full weight of the Newman family against us. We need to strike first. The best defense is a massive offense.

After their ‘glorious’ week, Ashland’s more determined to take whatever treatment’s necessary to beat this disease and spend more time with Vikki. Nothing will get in our way – together we’re an unstoppable force. My new wife and I are about to conquer the world ~kiss~

My Thoughts: In the opening scenes, in which the Newmans are enjoying breakfast, all by themselves as their hungry guests must pack and fly on empty stomachs, I noticed that Vikki keeps looking off-camera to her right and Nikki keeps looking to her left. I guess maybe it’s a weird camera angle and they were looking at each other….. Lily’s nightie and robe ensemble is more beautiful than any of the dresses seen at the ‘wedding of the decade’ … Why has someone lit a fire in the villa’s living room fireplace? It’s what? 8am? 9am? …. Since Victor’s the one asking for a private word with Nick shouldn’t HE be the one to get up off his ass and leave the room? (or not leave the room and stand about 10 feet away as Noah did)