Wednesday, October 6th, 2021

When the ladies come back inside, they claim to have more wedding details to wrap up. Disappointed by Vikki rejecting his offer to talk a walk on the grounds, Ashland pauses to watch her and her parents file out.

By the time Chloe joins Sally and Adam, he’s ranting about word getting that Vikki’s supposedly wearing the dress Sally designed; making the trip seem self-serving. Chloe steps up to take the blame for the fashion scoop. What if Vikki doesn’t wear the gown? Adam’s just giving Sally a ride to Italy. Sally’s fine with that – she’s just putting herself in the right place at the right time. Thank you both for having faith in me. No more leaks or gossip, Adam warns – he doesn’t want anything to take attention from Vikki’s big day.

Victor has a private word with Vikki. Forgive Nick, he was only protecting you. Victor was looking forward to both his sons being at the wedding. Vikki’s stubborn – Nick will need to earn her forgiveness.

Why did you cover for me? Sally asks Chloe. She’s used to Adam being mad at her and warns Sally that Vikki might not give you the time of day. And please go easy on the flirting. You don’t want to cross Adam. Chloe can’t believe she hitched her wagon to someone nuttier than she is. Good luck – let Vikki say ‘Yes’ to the dress.

Thanked for keeping Ashland’s secret, Victor’s just happy to see his daughter so happy – that’s more important than anything. Yes, Vikki has every intention of proceeding with the wedding.

Nikki shares her reservations about the wedding with Ashland; having predicted all along that he’d bring Vikki heartache. Your health, your secrets, your past – all unfortunate omens. Vikki may think going ahead with the wedding is the right thing to do but Nikki’s appealing to Ashland – if you truly care about Vikki relieve her of this burden.

Jesse grabs his bag and heads upstairs when Adam comes knocking at Billy’s condo. I’m looking for Jesse Gaines – are you going to pretend you don’t know who that is? Adam barges in – you’re not going to Tuscany; you’re not getting anywhere near Vikki’s wedding, he assures Billy.

My Thoughts: I wouldn’t call myself a big fan of Summer and Kyle – but come ON. Two legacy characters from the pillars of GC’s elite founding families – and we don’t get to see them finally get married? Or the stunning Marchetti wedding dress. And how disappointing that we don’t get to see Jack, Phyllis and Nick’s awkward flight to Italy or the undercurrent as the three people closest to Summer and Kyle watch them wed (both men sure to recall exchange ‘I do’s’ with Phyllis) Instead, we get to see Vikki say ‘I do’ to her sixth husband (the last of which she said ‘I do’ to four times) And to a man we fans barely know or like. Which time was Nikki even referring to when telling Vikki that she takes her vows ‘very seriously’?? … Nick sure is doing a great job of keeping an eye on Billy. Odd that he didn’t think to check the building’s security footage or just stake out the apartment … Ashland claims that he ‘can’t wait’ to see Harrison but until he was mentioned, I almost forgot he even had a son. I’m not sure he understands what ‘can’t wait’ means. You’d think he’d demand Nikki show him photos/video – which everyone on the Internet has probably seen before the Father who ‘can’t wait’ to see Harrison.