Friday, December 25th, 2020

Warning Sharon to steer clear of Adam, Billy leaves him to thank Sharon for always believing in him – it means a lot. Watching, unseen, Rey fumes.

Yes, Sharon’s alright – she and Adam were just catching up. Rey doesn’t appreciate Adam’s attempt to thank and befriend bim. Wishing them the best, Adam leaves Sharon to try convince Rey that she has better things to think about than Adam, like planning their wedding.

Chloe pitches Bella Milconnor. This line is the perfect distraction. Adam and I are moving, Chelsea points out. OK, we’ll make it work – we must maintain our friendship and business.

We’re accomplices, partners in crime, Kevin seems nervous as Phyllis laughs about the time they buried a dead body together. We’ve moved on to respectable jobs, Kevin doesn’t feel they’re seen as inferior. We’re comrades in arms because when the chips are down we’ll always support each other and look after each other, Phyllis clearly has plans for Kevin – and that scares the hell out of him.

What would Hillary do? She’d go stand on that lady’s porch and demand answers til she got to the end. What end? Amanda doesn’t see a happily ever after.

No one was happier than Nick when Vikki got control of NE; it’s where you belong – but something’s changed – I never gave Billy enough credit – you lost your sense of humour and compassion – at least when you were with him you weren’t a worse version of Victor Newwman.

Amanda doesn’t regret coming to Devon’s – she’s glad she can count on him. Her PI didn’t tell her she has a half-sibling (who isn’t really to blame for having a life Hilary and Amanda were deprived of)

The Newmans would never accept us, Phyllis grins Gloria gets it – she knows what it’s like to have GC’s elite look down on you. How is she? Always a handful, Kevin’s relieved when Chloe provides an escape, Let’s get out of here, he all but shoves his wife out the door.

Sharon’s happy to hear that Chelsea had a nice time visiting Connor over Christmas. She just saw Adam at Society. Good luck on your upcoming wedding. It’s just a small, intimate gathering on New Years’, Sharon quickly explains. Chelsea wasn’t digging for an invite – she has to have a medical procedure. Nothing serious – good luck again.

Our romantic walk wasn’t inspiring, Mariah concludes. Au contraire – walking past all the places she used to busk has inspired Tessa. I need the fire escape and a guitar, she runs out. She’s finishing up your song, Mariah’s sure it’ll be amazing. Sharon’s finished her to do list – the countdown to the wedding has begun (she’s not exactly a blushing bride)

Nick doesn’t know what’s wrong with his sister – she’s becoming everything she hated in Victor. Phyllis is smug about good things coming her way in the new year. As for all that bottled up energy they have …..

Hello? Is anyone there? Naya asks, Amanda hangs up.

Adam’s brought some food home for Chelsea – he ran into Billy, Rey, and Sharon. We wished each other well. Chelsea also ran into Sharon and Rey – they will be saying their vows, on New Year’s Eve, when I’ll be having brain surgery. Adam knows she’s afraid. He’s not – we’ll live the best part of our lives – together.

** Thanks so much for your generous donations. Merry Christmas **

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