Friday, February 28th, 2020

Getting off the elevator with coffees, Summer’s accosted by Theo. Noting that he’s working late, she assumes nothing’s going on between him and Lola. That’s why you’re so bitter.

Ripley tells a terrified Amanda that there’s no one out there to hear her screaming for help. Looking for this? He smashes something on the ground. Thankfully, it’s a nightmare. Amanda wakes up gasping or air as Rey knocks on the door. Sorry to bother you but it’s important.

Meanwhile, Paul’s at GCM with an update on Ripley Turner. Victor hopes he found the bastard.

Word to the wise – Summer thinks Theo should focus on the job he’s lucky to have. Maybe now that you’re not trying to use Lola to get under Kyle’s skin, you two can be friends again. You don’t know Kyle as well as you think you do – Theo’s sure Kyle won’t want him around long term because he knows he’s not the nice guy he pretends to be. You guys don’t need me anymore. We’re not out to get you, Summer scoffs. Theo doesn’t need Uncle Jack’s protection – Kyle’s the one who needs to be careful. Summer’s left to look worried.

Now updated, Jack’s so sorry and wants to be part of Sharon’s support system; Ashley’s a breast cancer survivor. Sharon appreciates that but wants to keep it quiet. Phyllis only Thy knows because she guessed, then Nick inadvertently confirmed it. Glad to hear that Vikki’s recovering, Sharon asks how Billy’s doing. Jack’s mouth hangs open.

Rey tells Amanda that Ripley was spotted and apprehended on his way back to GC – with weapons. Looks like he was coming after you again. Amanda wants to go confront him right now. That’s not possible, Rey informs.

In Vikki’s room (Victor and Nikki present) Paul explains that Ripley thought he attacked Amanda, his ex. Why was she there? Vikki wonders. She came with Billy, Victor claims.

Welcomed to her ‘humble abode’, Lyndsay thinks it a nice place but doesn’t see much of Mariah’s personality in the apartment. Mariah explains that she moved in and out of Tessa’s place. If things don’t work out, she’ll move out again. Mariah’s in tears at the mention of her ‘friend’ who’s having a hard time. I can’t, she weeps. Lyndsay gives her a hug that turns into a kiss.

Ripley hasn’t been processed yet and Rey doesn’t think Amanda going to see him a good idea (because she’s a witness) The officer’s no longer posted outside but Rey hopes Amanda will sleep better tonight. I’m sure I will, Amanda’s confidence vanishes as soon as she closes the door behind Rey.

Billy’s reverting to bad behavior and not taking advice from me or Jill, Jack’s sad to say. Sharon’s sorry to hear that things didn’t work out with Vikki (and knows that Jack won’t give up on his brother)

Letting Billy into her suite, Amanda updates that it’s over – Ripley’s behind bars.

Rey returns to CL’s to ask Sharon why she’s still there. Admitting that she needed a rest before driving home, she bursts into tears. It’s going to be OK, Rey leads her out to take her home.

Ranting about Ripley coming back to town to kill her, Amanda’s not scared – she’s enraged because she can’t go confront him. I’m fine! Please leave, she opens the door – then slams it once Billy’s gone.

Vikki tells her parents that she wants to go home. Not to her place – the ranch. And you don’t have to let Billy come see the kids – I’m done with him (which is great news for Victor)

Mariah comes out of the shower as Lyndsay finishes dressing. That was.. unanticipated, she’s awkward. Lyndsay sits her down – there will be plenty of time to talk about it later. For now, let’s just let it be. Both are stunned when Tessa wheels her luggage in to ask ‘what’s going on here’? Mariah couldn’t look more guilty.