Tuesday, February 25th, 2020

Hearing Nick outside, Billy tucks photos of the kids under her sheet, gives her a kiss on the forehead and slips out before Nick comes in to try jokes Vikki out of her coma. Who is he to go to when he needs advice? He takes and kisses her hand.

Dropping by the penthouse for a visit, Chloe whines that she doesn’t care as much about TGP now that Chelsea’s not there. Spotting a sketch of an outfit, she doesn’t think it ‘terrible’ and doesn’t believe that Chelsea’s not interested in returning to fashion design.

After brief mention of Vikki, Victor asks Adam to get to the point on how he can help. You already know the answer to that, Adam thinks.

Kyle ends a call to update Summer that Lafferty’s backing out of their deal. He was happy with our work so wants to revisit it in 6 months. Both admit they’ve distracted with thoughts of love making. Lafferty just did us a big favour.

His meeting over, Theo’s surprised to see that Lola’s still at TGP. She hung around because it felt like he had something to say to her – so she stuck around to see what it was.

It felt good to get the design juices going again, Chelsea admits but isn’t sure it’s the right move. It’s the perfect move, Chloe then suggests some tweaks that Chelsea sketches. She’d love to quit working with Phyllis at the hotel and be Chelsea’s sidekick again.

Stepping into the elevator, Kyle types into his phone; a company wide memo that says he’s unavailable the rest of the day. He and Summer lock lips as the doors close.

Theo just wanted to ask what Lola’s status with Kyle is. Yes, that’s all. About to leave, he marches back to blurt out that he’s glad that she’s getting a divorce and starting over…. and. And? And after you come up for air, I hope you let me take you out. That’s where I stand. Now you know. Goodbye Lola. Goodbye Theo. They part ways smiling.

Nick tells Vikki that Sharon has cancer. It’s been hard to watch her fight but she never complains and keeps moving forward. You need to move forward too – we’re fighting alongside you. Nick can’t imagine a world without his beloved sister. Finding the photos tucked into the sheets, he turns to scowl. Meanwhile, Billy’s again perched on the hotel’s roof.

Finding common ground over exhaustion and their illnesses. Nikki’s happy to hear that Sharon has lot of support. Being a parent is scary but we must fight. We’re both warriors, Nikki stands and extends her hand to pull Sharon up. Hand in hand they go to make a sandwich.

Adam wants to take over at Newman while Vikki recovers. I’ve changed. I can do this. Let me help. Victor will have to think his generous offer over.