Friday, November 8th, 2019

Chelsea’s on the phone. Yes, Mom – I said 5 million dollars. You know who to ask – he owes us for that job we did for him. No, I can’t ask Adam. I’m in danger and so is Connor. Calm down – I sent them out of town. Wire me that money – it’ll buy me time to come up with the rest.

Amanda will be back soon to confirm everything I told you, Cane’s told to shut up. Staring at his phone, Chance has been working on a year-long multi-agency case. ‘Subject inside the hotel’, he receives a text and replies – I want eyes on him – we’ll grab him when he leaves the building. The agent at the bar looks anything but ‘discreet’ as Nick and Abby chat. Phyllis comes along to joke with Nick and deliver a kiss for good luck. After Abby wipes the lipstick off his cheek, Nick’s busy on his phone when Simon asks for directions to Chancellor Park. Recognizing Nick, Simon wishes him good luck in the debate. Thanks – and yes, Nick does have a good woman in his corner.

As requested, Phyllis has brought Abby to her suite to show her how the expensive security system works. Having read an article about a hotel chain whose system was hacked, Abby’s assured that their servers are secure – there’s even a silent alarm under the front desk. O<, I'll walk you through it, opening her laptop, Phyllis throws out some big words. She knows Abby's just trying to keep her away from Nick. Threatened with a hack on her social security number, Abby warns her not to cross the line and marches out. Nick drops by the ranch to ask how Victor's health is, update on Christian and that he's running for office. Victor hoped he'd aim a little higher. Nick denies he's ashamed of being a Newman but wants to win on his own merit. Victor's proud of Nick and just wants him to achieve what he's capable of. Nick's OK with disappointing his Dad - but are you OK with it? Phyllis accosts Amanda as she's about to re-enter her suite. She can spot a fellow barracuda a mile away. She'd be happy to be a character witness for Nate. As the door opens, Phyllis is stunned to see Chance - who informs that Amanda's suite is now ground zero for a sting operation. A nervous-looking Abby's at the front desk/bar (where the agent's sitting) as Chelsea busies herself plumping up sofa cushions. Mom! Connor races in ahead of Adam. What are you doing here? she's surprised - you should be on the road now. Connor asks his Mom to come on the trip then is send off so that Adam can ask Chelsea what's going on. Following her eyes, he asks who that guy is. Simon approaches - mind if I borrow Ms Lawson for a minute? Yes, Adam does mind.

Back at the ranch, Victor and Nick agree that they don’t always see eye to eye. Both are glad they cleared the air. Victor then surprises Nick with the news that Adam’s taking Connor to Kansas – Chelsea’s idea.

At ground zero, Amanda wants to know who hired her if Chance didn’t. Glued to his phone, he doesn’t know or care. Why are you using my hotel as ground zero? As head of security, Phyllis needs to ensure that her guests as safe. I do this for a living, Chance reminds as he looks at a photo of Simon and Chelsea on his phone (sent by the agent at the bar)

We’re in the middle of something – whatever you want can wait, Adam leads Chelsea away from Simon (who spots the agents gun as he walks by) Nothing’s going on, Chelsea lies to Adam. Is this why you wanted us out of town. Are you in danger? Is Connor in danger? Simon comes over – that boy over there’s a handsome kid. Adam gives him a shove – keep my son out of this! As a scared Conner hides behind a sofa cushion, Simon orders everyone else out of the hotel. Hand over the gun inside his jacket, he warns Adam not to be a hero.

Nikki’s pleased to come home and find Nick at the house – stay and have tea with us? No thanks – Nick needs to take care of something for the debate. After he leaves, Victor isn’t thrilled that Nick’s running for office but hopes he kicks butt at the debate.

Nick leaves Chelsea a message. He’ll see her at the debate and has something to discuss with her before it starts.

Amanda wants answers from Chance – are you at least curious as to why someone would impersonate you? No – this case is more important. Next time, do your due diligence counsellor. Phyllis runs after Chase in the hallway to offer her services. After a few insults, he relents – where’s your surveillance equipment? My room. OK – lead the way.

Apologizing, Abby herds guests out the door; Top of the Tower and CL’s are within walking distance – go have a drink on us – bill the Grand Phoenix. Lock the door, Simon orders as Connor hides behind his Mom. Abby eyes the button behind the front desk while Simon blames Chelsea for this unfortunate situation that they need to find a way to resolve. A terrified Chelsea shields Connor.