Monday, October 14th, 2019

Nick and Devon would love to have Nikki onboard with New Hope. Sharon comes along to blurt out that it’s been suggested that Nick run for city council. Nikki and Devon are all for it. Nick’s not – let’s get back to New Hope.

Kyle’s distracted as Lola tells him she’ll be working late tonight. Something’s been bugging him – the other night, Theo said it’d been good getting to know Lola’s evil side – what did he mean?

Nikki pressures Nick to run for office. You could do a lot of good right here in GC. Chelsea calls asking Nick to come home right away – it’s Connor.

How are you doing with Adam gone? Phyllis doesn’t believe Sharon’s as nonchalant as she seems. Adam thinks you the perfect woman and craves your approval. He won’t change – it must be hard to let go of the fantasy. You’re projecting, Sharon really feels for Phyllis.

Chelsea updates Nick that Connor went after a kid at school for no reason.

Theo was wrong to dump on Summer after she (rightfully) called him out on his crap. Kyle helped me realize that I deserve better, she announces.

Lola tells Kyle that Theo passed out at the sight of blood. He begged her not to tell anyone – it’s no big deal (Kyle doesn’t seem to agree)

Connor gives Nick attitude – you’re not my Dad. Leave me alone. You hurt that boy – you know that was wrong, Chelsea scolds. You all lie – why did Dad leave? Connor cries – I want my Dad.

You’re right, about everything, Theo voes to change. Summer doesn’t want to change him. She also doesn’t appreciate him asking about Kyle.

You don’t know Theo, I do. You think I’m stupid or gullible? Lola accepts Kyle talking to Summer. Isn’t the goal to be on better terms? You don’t trust me?

Phyllis doesn’t need to be analyzed by Sharon (but that doesn’t stop her) Back and forth go the insults. Phyllis’ life isn’t empty and Adam didn’t abandon her – I just saw him. Sharon gets a call from Chelsea – Connor needs his Dad. Do you know where I can reach him? No, but I know someone who does (she hands the phone to Phyllis)

Devon’s greeted by a sexily dressed Elena holding a beer. She’s got jazz music, snacks – and a kiss.

Theo and Summer discuss his past, how he can change for the better and why he has it in for Kyle. I did take things too far, Theo admits – I really do want to change my ways.

It’s Theo that Kyle doesn’t trust – you didn\t prank him – he pranked you first. He’s not queasy at the sight of blood. Lola thinks it great that Theo wants to be friends. Kyle disagrees. Stay away from him! he barks and walks out.

Sharon thanks Phyllis for giving Chelsea Adam’s number. Why didn’t you stay in Vegas with him? Because Phyllis isn’t done in GC. And Adam is?

Chelsea leaves Adam a message – your son needs you. Adam calls Riza – I’m in Vegas; get me back in the action. I’m here to stay. No, there’s nothing for me back there.